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  1. F

    frist chameleon - need advice

    so a young veiled - every day (seems like you all agree on that :-) ) jamncristian - what is a "small amount"? :-) and when they are adults - probably every second day? did i get it right? also, i started looking for a new terrarium (i hope that´s what it is called in english). i found a...
  2. F

    frist chameleon - need advice

    i bought some kind of multivitamin - it has vit. A, vit D., calcium and some other minerals (i don´t know exactly, i wil have to look later), i got it recommended from the seller of my chamelleon. so if i understand it well, i might overdose my cham. with vitamins (i was told to use it daily)...
  3. F

    frist chameleon - need advice

    - i sprayed my chameleon directly. poor guy. but that is what i was told to do :-( - should i also install some water dropping system? or is misting the cage and plants enough? - i got a uv light - it´s called repti glo (manufacturer: exo terra). hope it´s ok. as a heat source a use...
  4. F

    frist chameleon - need advice

    hello, i just got a veiled chameleon (male, 2 months old) and i might need some advice. could you help me? :-) (and sorry in advance for my poor english) 1. i thought i would buy some sort of misting system. but the women i bought my chameleon from told me, that veiled chameleon need´s...
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