Trying to post a pic of the one I found so you can get an idea of what I'm talking about.
I found these misters that hook up to your garden hose. Seems easier and much cheaper than a traditional misting system. I could keep my whole yard misted which would also benefit my redfoot torts. Anyone else ever used anything like that? I'd love to see your systems or get your input.
That's good to know. I've only ever used dubia. I figured who's going to be digging in a bin in my garage that would be up on roach laws. But if discoid are just as good then I'll give them a shot.
Hello all,
I'm in FL and I really need a few Dubias to start a colony. Was hoping to meet someone at an upcoming show but mail works too. PM me to work out the details. Thanks a million!
I was thinking about hornworms too. Do you just buy the powdered food they sell?
Are they pretty easy? I've only bought them and fed them off. Ive never tried to get them to moth out.
Can i just throw some silkworms on my mullberry tree? Would they fly away when they metamorphisis? Could I wrap a branch in cheese cloth? Looking for easy ways to grow feeders. Love Dubias and loath crickets.
oh Ok cool. I was speaking with some breeders at the Daytona show over the weekend and they made it sound like they were much more sensitive to cooler temps. That makes me feel much better.
I have some experience with Veileds but have never had a Panther and was toying with an idea for an enclosure to house them in (just panthers not panthers and veileds) I have a porch where one wall is screen and the other three are the outside walls of the house and the roof of the porch...
I wonder if you can cross cherry heads with other redfoots. Would the eggs be too big for them to pass? Maybe it would be better to use a male cherry head. It would pry inject some color into the standard redfoots, right?
I keep a single male veiled in an extremely large enclosure. I don't see him every day bc it's so easy to lose him in there. I have planted a variety of flowers and plants to attract wild insects. He has stayed fat and looks great. I was also thinking about hanging feeding cups in the trees. You...