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  1. M

    red rudis mouth problem

    yea the female isnt as bad but has it to. also after i posted this the male pooped out an undigested wax worm i fed him.
  2. M

    red rudis mouth problem

    yesterday i recieved a 1.1 pair of red rudis chams. i also ordered some frogs the website was out of and when i got the package there was a note on the reciept that said they only had 1 male left and he has "nose rub" and they didnt have the frogs i ordered. to offset the price and since the...
  3. M

    red rudis

    i was thinking of getting a pair of red rudis chams and was wondering if anyone has info on them or any advice for keeping them.
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    has anyone bred mt merus

    i have a female mt meru jackson and she has been healthy for a few months. unfortunately the male came in unhealthy and died shortly after. I read that they are difficult to breed but i was thinking of getting another male and giving it a shot. Any opinions?
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    dwarf fischers info needed

    I am having a hard time finding info on these guys so if anyone can help me out it would be appreciated. I also read on one site that they give live birth and another site that they lay eggs. if anyone knows the answer to that it would be helpfull on account i think my female is pregnant.
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    dwarf jackson eyes wont open

    the female has the same compact florecent bulb but she is in a smaller glass screen combo cage and is doing great. her cage is the equivalent of a 10 gallon. i also had a much smaller female bout them as a trio but she looked bad from day one and only lasted about 3 days. should i move the male...
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    dwarf jackson eyes wont open

    i have recently aquired a couple of dwarf jacksons a male and a female. the female is doing great eating and drinkin the male however is not. i have not seen him eat and i have to basically spray him in the face before he starts drinking. now his one eye wont open and his other eye barely...
  8. M

    round yellow bumps on bearded pygmy skin

    i do leave crickets in at night but only one chameleon has these bumps. also it doesn't look like a bite more like yellow warts. if it is a fungal infection is there any treatments?
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    round yellow bumps on bearded pygmy skin

    I have a female bearded pygmy chameleon with round yellow bumps on her skin. she seems otherwise healthy but i think the spots are spreading. I have had her for a few months now. i have one other female and two males in the cage. the other female has been in there with her the whole time and...
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