Would silkworms work as a staple? Sorry for the questions just trying to get a feel of what I should be doing. Im pretty sure the website tells me the age of the animal.
Thanks guys. I wouldn't want to use live plants in the grow out tank but in the main enclosure sounds fine. They have a pretty low basking spot and uvb is fairly low for them too. I gutload all my insects so will they be fine with that? I am trying to get a roach coloy going but I am really not...
A bit of mixed reviews. Well I plan to do an aluminum screen cage and put it on my tegu cage so it's high up. I know how they like that. I also know they like moving water and plenty of cover. cage carpet as substrate. This is just general stuff so you know I am not completely incompetent.
Well thanks for the info. I found a website(flchams.com) that apparently sells captive flap necked so i was going to order from them. Thanks for the advice though.
Hello everyone, I have gotten a recent re-intrest in chams and I am looking to maybe get one. I am not a beginner herp keeper. I currently have a Argentine black and white tegu and 2 leopard geckos although I have kept many things over the years. I am looking for a smaller "display" animal that...