I use a stick and a small hand held net. If you put the point of the stick up higher than the branches of the bushes around where they are they typically land on the end of it then you lower it slowly and place the net above them because they tend to take off like a helicopter ... there you go...
They will eat any thing lol but I would only use what I would typically use to gutload crickets and roaches. Fruits are fine too. I honestly have thousands in my bucket right now so many that the little anoles hang out to get free hand outs as well as toads and frogs.
I use just veggies that I would have given to crickets or roaches as gut load and no meat or waste products so I would have to assume that it would be. Pilotman if you are "growing your own" then yes they are gut loaded by what you use to attract the adult flys to lay their eggs in and then the...
Yes they are ... I think LOL ... I know they are in Central Fla. I just sent you a PM on how to set up a bucket. I got the idea from jdog here in this forum so I can't take any credit for it.
If you live in an area where Black Solider flies are native to you can start a 5 gallon compost bucket with veggies in it and you will have an endless supply of them ...until the cold weather kicks in. That's what I did. Buy as Syn stated some chams don't go after them due to lack of movement.
Try Discoid roaches
Once you get a colony started you will be set. That is if your chams like roaches. My female loves them but the male is still stuck on crickets.
I just wanted to wish you the best in finding your little friend. Please do keep us updated. He is a very nice looking cham and I am sure you will find him soon. Best wishes.
Just a note
Collagen is one of the chief ingredients of gelatin. Collagen is a scleroprotein found in the bone, cartilage and tendons of animals. When the bones or tissues of animals are boiled, collagen yields gelatin.
just my $0.02