eliza: not chronic.. just noticed it today.. never was there before.. recently took a fall and cant curl it as much as normal. but still has movement..
carlos: yes i do turn her lights out at night.. im in the lake tahoe area.. it gets pretty chilly in the winter so i currently have her in...
so i took her back to her cage and she seems to be trying to move it.. at the moment she is hanging out on her normal basking branch and seems to have managed to curl it to some extent.. i will keep an eye on it through the night and give the vet a call if it gets worse..
she seems to be able...
o im well aware that its like a 5th arm.. sometimes i think her tail has a stronger grip then her "claws".. i noticedd that she had a much harder time balancing while navigateing her plants.. i sure hope its just injured.. not broken.
there is a kink in her tail and she usaully holds it up when she walks but it seems to be unable to bend at the place its kinked.. she fell earlier today but from prob a foot high.. nothing to severe.. if it is broken.. what can i do?
i live up in the tahoe area and recently purchased a baby veiled.. i have read that area has a great impact on what your setup should be.. my questions is if my setup should be any diffrent because i live in the higher elvations/ colder ambient temps ect..
i have also read that i shouldnt...
first post and first chameleon ever.. its a baby girl veiled and was just wondering if these eye pictures look normal to any of u more experienced cham owners.. i will post more pics or info if wanted..
there seems to be a small bubble on the inside of her eye it is only really noticable when...