I havn't had chams in years... I really miss having them around. But sadly, I don't have the space, time, or funds for a cham at the moment. Someone on iherp mentioned wanting one, and I suggestied (like another memeber) that they visit here. I Will have chams again some day. They are such...
I thought I'd look at the forums again. I'm missing my chams. Tey all died of a bacterial infection about a year ago now... I lost most of my herps to that bout... it really sucked. I have crested geckos now, and some snakes, but no chams. I need a bigger place to be able to keep my chams...
I picked up this little guy at the show... he seemed ok upon first inspection, so I took him home (Sunday). Today I saw the weirdest thing, and can only assume it's severe MBD. He was bending backwards to climb on something and his spine flexed at the pelvic region. By that I mean it bent back...
I'm looking for an Ambanja male, and have been having trouble finding one... anyone have either juvis or adults (I am aware that adults would cost more). I'm looking for CBB or CB, just not ready for a wild-caught adult at this time. I'll entertain reasonable prices. Thanks! ~Chrissy
So, Julirs post has me wondering, what does everyone's reptile area look like?
Mine's packed to capacity. If I could take pictures of everyhting in my apartment, I think it would take up all the space in this post, lol.
So, Here's one of 3 sides of my main reptile area (formerly known as...
Nice! Looks like my place. I no longer have a dining room table, or a coffee table... or a functional TV, or... well, you get the picture. I think my addiction may require some serious intervention soon!
Nice greater swiss mountain dog! My best friend's aunt used to breed & show them. They are great dogs.
Here are some of my kids:
Sadie & Alex, my dogs:
Flower, my female BB Ambilobe...
Kermit, my male veiled:
Bugsey, my male BB Ambilobe:
Bertha & Mila, my female...
So after I wrote this, I decided to get some pics. The blues & greens didn't come out as vibrant, but the red really shows.
I will have to look back at my e-mail to remember who I bought "her" from. I got "her" back in October or November, as she was VERY cold when she arrived...
don't waste your money on the explorarium. I bought one as a sunning cage, but it's too hard to get in & out of. There are only 2 relaively small openings. One is about the size of a piece f paper, the other is only about 2"x2". I had to temporarily house 2 of my jacksons in it, and it...
is there a way to be sure what sex your panther is at a young age? I know this is a stupid question, but I had a "female" blue bar sold to me, and it is now looking to either be a ridiculously high-colored female, or a male... "her" casque is blue, "her" chin is red, and "she" has blue & green...
I use hibiscus & Scheff. in my cages. I supplanet that with fake vines, and sanitized tree branches. The scheff. works best for me, but I like the thicker branches of the hibiscus (and my veiled likes to eat it). Good luck wth your choice.