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  1. CrazyCalvin

    Bend in back?!

    That's the only picture i've got as above and im not home with him now. Im so upset, he doesnt seem uncomfortable or in pain but he just doesnt seem himself (hard to put my finger on it) He's using his limbs and walking round as normal and i did gently touch the area on his back and he didnt...
  2. CrazyCalvin

    Bend in back?!

    Yep he's walking around fine and has been moving round the same as usual but he just doesnt seem right. :(
  3. CrazyCalvin

    Bend in back?!

    Hi everyone, I posted a thread a couple of days ago explaining that my Chameleon isn't 100% yet im not sure what's up with him. I found him huddled up in a corner in the morning and he was very cold and black!! When i returned later in the afternoon he seemed to have perked up but still isnt...
  4. CrazyCalvin

    Black cham??!!

    My gut load is fruit and veg-mainly apples, lettuce potatoes etc and no I dnt feed him anything other than locusts as he didn't seem to take to crickets. I use nutrobal which has vitamins in it and alternate this with calcium. My room isn't unusually cold during the night-i do leave the window...
  5. CrazyCalvin

    Black cham??!!

    ok thank u, you've all been really help ful :) this site is fantastic i've got to say :) he very rarely sits under his basking lamp, just hovers around it....strange
  6. CrazyCalvin

    Black cham??!!

    i feel the need to turn the basking light right down in the night as i thought they needed complete darkness to sleep?? although he often sleeps even thought the room is quite lit up. so i shudnt turn the temp down so much in the night??
  7. CrazyCalvin

    Black cham??!!

    Thats exactly the colour he went, but no he was hiding huddled up in the corner of the tank, it tooke me ages to find him! and when i picked him up he was really cold so i held him under the lamp for a while, he was almost lifeless
  8. CrazyCalvin

    Black cham??!! theres a picture of him here and im pretty sure he's male :) but thank you i will keep a close eye on him, i was so upset yesterday!! I'm going to look for a reptile vet in the area tomorrow in case i need to take him although dont want to stress...
  9. CrazyCalvin

    Black cham??!!

    yep definately a male, ive posted pics of him here before and a lot of people confirmed he's male. He seems perfectly fine today, hes confused me
  10. CrazyCalvin

    Black cham??!!

    he's been ok today and has perked up now, he's his normal colour again and seems healthy, sorry i didnt mention this in my earlier post, but this is why im so confused because it was a one off thing?!
  11. CrazyCalvin

    Black cham??!!

    Thanks guys, have filled this out as good as i cud :) Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Male veiled chameleon, aged 9 months, had him for 7Handling - 2/3 times a week, he's a friendly cham Feeding - fed twice a day, first thing in the morning and about 5pm. 8-10 locusts per day, which are...
  12. CrazyCalvin

    Black cham??!!

    Really really sorry guys if this something similar has been posted before, i did a search but couldnt find anything. I found my Chameleon yesterday huddled up in the corner of his tank and he was black!! I put my hand in as i thought he was dying and he didnt even react to me. I scooped him...
  13. CrazyCalvin

    is my Veiled Cham a midget??

    ohhh thats fab then :o glad he's still going to grow :) thank u
  14. CrazyCalvin

    Pictures of your chams

    sorry heres the picture haha
  15. CrazyCalvin

    Pictures of your chams

    I love this picture of Calvin because he looks really happy....he's almost smiling :D
  16. CrazyCalvin

    is my Veiled Cham a midget??

    Hi everyone, really sorry if this has been posted/asked before, i did search btu couldnt find anything. I'd just like to know what size roughly my Chameleon should be now he is approaching 8 months. I'm under the impression that they should be fully grown by 8 months? is this right...
  17. CrazyCalvin

    Escape artist!!

    Haha he sure really is funny how they establish their own little personality :D:D
  18. CrazyCalvin

    Escape artist!!

    aww thank u :) haha well it taught me one thing....that he's happy sat in the sunlight in the put him there most mornings now when im having my breakfast :)
  19. CrazyCalvin

    Escape artist!!

    haha i know!! Never thought he'd get through the tiny gap!!! i've learnt my lesson!!
  20. CrazyCalvin

    Escape artist!!

    Hi everyone I havent been on here for a while but thought i'd tell you alla bout Calvin's latest anitcs!! I went to bed monday night and as Clavin has a new tank now with glass doors i sometimes leave them open to get some air circulating! Well i thought i'd leave the doors open only...
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