it is definatley possible, theres a bunch of wild veilds in ft.myers or cape coral here in fl one of the 2 i dnt remember. you'd be surprised how well they do in the wild i saw someone let go a dying panther and in 2 weeks it was found by his neighbor and it was doing great so he kept it lol...
yes i did thanks, and we have her in a tank with a uvb it should be finee theres plenty of space and the uvb light gives of just enough for her the male which is smaller is in the reptibreeze. btw the chams werent shipped.
i am ladizzles boyfriend, the temps are no higher than 82* (basking area) and no lower than 73* (everywhere else in cage and at night) which is perfectly fine, the uvb lights are new so theres no problem there. we have the cal w/d3 and w/o d3 and herptitive all from reptical. we gave it d3 since...
i'll be there at the snakes at sunset table, we'll have a couple chams for sale. come check us out, we'll also have boas, ball pythons monitors a ton of stuff.
i'll be there with my local reptile shop and my gf, they asked us to go work so we're going. snakes at sunset, im not sure if we'll have chams but a ton of snakes forsure. lol
lol my veiled was housed with a female at the reptile shop i get my animals from and i tried bringing her home into my males cage and he was just not having it, i tried putting her in then him then she was the problem. i dnt understand them so i just sent her back cause im new with chams and...
what sealant can you use for wood thats safe for chams? i have a peice of wood and am getting ready to take it out before it molds but the stick is perfect in there and gives support to one of my vines so i want to keep it.
yeahh im keeping an eye on him. the leaves are pretty thick so i know he wont tear a peice off i tried with my hand and i couldnt do it without taking a whole bunch with me. i did put a cup of collard greens with a peice of banana. hasnt even looked at it lol. i think he got discouraged when he...
ive read that chams will ocassionally eat greens when they are older so i wasnt thinking about it yet buttttttttt, my jharjhar (veiled) has decided he wants to eat some greens. i caught him trying to eat a fake leaf then i guess he figured out it was impossible and quit lol. so what do you feed...