thanks for all the feedback. i raised his basking temp up a little bit and closed the blinds to the window and he got back on his normal sleeping cycle. ive also been watching him eat all day. still gonna go check him up at the vet though
Yes, this is the same chameleon that was near the bottom of the cage that i posted about earlier. It typically starts to get darker around 5 or so, it has been cloudy lately and a little colder. Are the dark colors and indication that he is trying to absorb more heat and hes cold?
yeah i guess he could have seen another animal, but i never see anything frequent out there. My room seems to stay around 65-70. yeah he seems much happier basking in 90 degree temps but ive heard and read several times to keep it around 80-84.
* Your Chameleon - Male Veiled Chameleon. 6-7 months old i think. got him when he was really young
* Handling - Minimal handling when cleaning and on occassion
* Feeding - Moved to large crickets a few weeks ago. hes eating around 5 a day. also superworms and wax worms every other day...
ive got a 7 month old male veiled who recently has been going to bed at 2-4 in the afternoon. lights are on/off at 8. also hes only been eating 1-2 crix a day, is this any reason for concern?
looks good. my questions is where do you find the stick part of your set up, or i guess that called grapevine? ive looked everywhere and i cant find something with good height that would stand on its own
sorry yeah i forgot to mention that I have several fake vines in there. that picture is literally from yesterday. So you think that maybe put some more fake plants around the top to keep him from being seen from the top of the enclosure? wanted to add, and just asking, if he was feeling exposed...
Chameleon Info:
* Your Chameleon - Male Veiled Chameleon. 6-7 months old i think. got him when he was really young
* Handling - Minimal handling when cleaning and on occassion
* Feeding - Moved to large crickets a few weeks ago. hes eating around 5 a day. also superworms and wax worms every...
Ive been asked that before, and he definitely has tarsal sprus, or atleast big bumps on his two hind feet. here is a picture from actually right now when he was just basking, and there is a pretty good view of his spurs. Im pretty sure hes male right? I know the whole female laying eggs bit...
Chameleon Info:
* Your Chameleon - Male Veiled Chameleon. 6-7 months old i think. got him when he was really young
* Handling - Minimal handling when cleaning and on occassion
* Feeding - Moved to large crickets a few weeks ago. hes eating around 5 a day. also superworms and wax worms every...
thanks for the feedback. think im going to feed the stick bug some dandelion greens for a little to purge it. how long should it be before a female would begin laying eggs?
thanks man. I live in san diego. I found out they are actually all over the place down here and i guess theyre pests. it looks likes its most likely Carausius morosus aka Indian walking stick. only other questions is my veiled is about 6 months old, will he do fine eating the bug? the bugs only...
Ive got like a 3 and a half foot, 4 inch diameter branch that i want to put in the enclosure. But being made out of the aluminum screen, it cant really support a branch that large nor would it be tall enough to be really of any use. Is there a good way to support it? I was thinking of making...
yeah i mean LLL has told me alot of things that seem to oppose what is said on here. such as the Powersun heating/lighting is the best lighting you can get and not to use the reptisun5.0 linear and being told to dust the crickets everyday with calcium w/d3.
Yeah i use to feed them greens just havent in a while. I could not get a good picture of his casque straight on but there is a definite bend in it. just wondering if that would be anything to worry about or is it that normal? i live in san diego
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Juvenile Veiled Chameleon - Male- 6 months? Ive had him for almost 4 months.
Handling - Cleaning and rare occasions
Feeding - Crickets and Mealworms. Usually about 10 medium crickets and 2 mealworms given in 2 feedings. I only cup feed the mealworms. I gutload...