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  1. L


    I guess I won't be posting here then. I am happy to hear suggestions for things I can change in the future; I've done a lot of reading and am eager to listen and learn; but I frankly am not into hearing criticism of water already under the bridge. Y'all take care.
  2. L


    He looks like he is about 11 inches from the tip of his snout to the tip of his tail; he is in a cage 17 x 17 x30; I think he will enjoy the new one I am having made for him. Should I move him in it yet? He is 2 years old according to the guy who sold it to me. He is so purty.
  3. L


    His cage was shipped at the same time as he was in a different box. Shhh, don't tell, I took a minute and set it up (it's one of those frames with a zippered mesh cover) and he's in it! His new cage should arrive next week and he will have lots more room, and real plants, I hope to make it a...
  4. L


    Pinecone (my veiled) just arrived and he is beeyootiful!!!! I work at a school and I'm showing him off. I'll get his cage set up in a few hours when I get home and mist it so he can drink, and I have crickets waiting for him. I'm sorta apprehensive, I've read a lot and I want everything to...
  5. L

    Fake or Real?

    Brad is it OK to use bromeliads? I found some failrly low light ones and they are beautiful.
  6. L

    Fake or Real?

    1) I use exclusively plastic or silk plants 2) I only use live plants 3) I mix real and fake plants I wanted to do a poll but I didn't see an option for running one. How many of y'all use either fake or real, and how many mix the two?
  7. L

    UVB definiatly worth it

    Thanks Dave Top notch article and just what I was looking for. How do I keep getting the E-zine?
  8. L

    Bottom pan?

    There were 2 different sizes of mesh and I wanted the larger at first but they suggested I go with the smaller, so that's the one I went with. I'm so excited about getting the little guy I can hardly wait.
  9. L

    UVB definiatly worth it

    I am actually inquiring from the scientific viewpoint rather than a practical one. There is a similar controversy in humans, whether vitamins from food are any different from vitamins sold in tablets at the store. I know that the UV rays get the body to somehow produce vitamins, but I have...
  10. L

    UVB definiatly worth it

    I remember hearing about UVB and a controversy that said that supplied supplements replaced the need for the lights. I do have some bulbs that are only a few months old but can anyone address the value of supplements as replacements for light?
  11. L


    I had not thought of that. I have bottlebrush playgyms for my birds that were purchased so I assume that kind of wood is OK, and have a bottlebrush tree in the back yard that needs trimming. I could make a branch system myself and hang pothos baskets off of it.
  12. L

    Bottom pan?

    Jordan here's a link to where I'm getting my cage, they are absolutely the nicest people to deal with and they are making the cage now and will ship it next week: I will take pix once I get it and it is set up in my home. There won't really be room for...
  13. L


    Brad I like the cage with all the plants done that way, I may try something similar.
  14. L

    Bottom pan?

    What was I thinking, he will be shipped WITH a small cage. I should have read better before I hit the submit button.:rolleyes: I just went to take a look at the website and the bottom of the cage will be plastic..
  15. L


    I could always ditch the tree idea and use hanging baskets instead?
  16. L

    Bottom pan?

    It will not be screen but I did not specify plastic. I was thinking something maybe just an inch or so high, just to catch drips from the sprayer and drippers. Maybe like those plastic ABS pans they have on the bottom of dog crates.
  17. L

    Beautiful cages

    I haven't gotten to thinking how I would actually attach it, I'm waiting to see what the cage actually looks like when I get it. Part of the reason for the plastic was to prevent too much water from mist and so on getting outside the cage. But your point is good that if there is screen there...
  18. L

    Beautiful cages

    I am having him built a screen cage so all the walls are going to be screen, and I got a large roll of that plastic backing for when the cage arrives. I sure don't want him falling but there are going to be a lot of branches and stuff for him.
  19. L

    Bottom pan?

    My chameleon is being shipped in a small cage, I have already ordered a larger screen cage for him which will arrive hopefully in a week or 10 days. I was thinking of getting a plastic pan to fit the dimensions of the bottom of the cage do catch drips. I love the pic I saw of one of the cages...
  20. L

    Post your cages!!

    That is drop dead gorgeous. wow.
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