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  1. SweetObsolete

    Dermestids cleaning female panther time lapse (sort of)

    I have actually wanted to do this myself with pets that have passed on, but I wouldn't be able to actually be the one to clean the bones I don't think.
  2. SweetObsolete

    Lethargic, not eating or drinking

    Thanks guys... They weren't able to do any lab work because he was too dehydrated to take blood or anything. He was so sick that the primary goal was getting him healthy enough to take blood/fecal work. He's being sent to a reptile specialist at the University of Minnesota who is going...
  3. SweetObsolete

    Lethargic, not eating or drinking

    Sydney passed away last night :( Thought you all might want to know...
  4. SweetObsolete

    Lethargic, not eating or drinking

    Here's another picture of him (and me). Now I'm wishing I would have taken more pictures of him :(
  5. SweetObsolete

    Lethargic, not eating or drinking

    Well, he was doing really well yesterday and they were starting to get optimistic, but he took a turn for the worse today :( I finally got to go see him, and his eyes were really sunken in and he was pale and asleep. I brought him his uvb light, and he's got a really good setup in the...
  6. SweetObsolete

    Lethargic, not eating or drinking

    Thank you!
  7. SweetObsolete

    Lethargic, not eating or drinking

    UPDATE Sydney is in the hospital. After doing well, he got worse again. His calcium levels and blood cell levels are good, but he is very dehydrated :( They don't know why he hasn't been drinking yet, but he's getting fluids and antibiotics, in case there's some sort of infection. They...
  8. SweetObsolete

    Lethargic, not eating or drinking

    He just ate! I think maybe it is just the shed making him grumpy. I haven't taken any pictures of him currently, but if you want to see a cute photo of him, here's one :)
  9. SweetObsolete

    Lethargic, not eating or drinking

    Anybody else have any thoughts?????
  10. SweetObsolete

    Lethargic, not eating or drinking

    I've had him for about 2 years now. I'm glad you think he should be okay :/ I'll give him another day before I freak out too much.
  11. SweetObsolete

    Lethargic, not eating or drinking

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Sydney half ambanja/half ambilobe panther chameleon. 2 years 4 months old Handling - Probably about bi-weekly Feeding - Crickets daily/every other day. Crickets are gutloaded with fresh fruits and veggies, which I vary (kale, strawberries, carrots, zucchini...
  12. SweetObsolete

    I had a dream...

    Ha ha I thought I was the only weirdo that always had dreams about chams :rolleyes:
  13. SweetObsolete

    Keeps opening his mouth really wide

    Sooo... for anyone who was following this thread, or had concerns about their cham doing the same thing, I adjusted his basking light, and lowered his temps, and I haven't seen him do the mouth thing for a long time. Also, he's been eating like a beast, which I think means he's healthy. Still...
  14. SweetObsolete

    Siberian Husky Pup

    Such a cutie :) I've always loved huskies.
  15. SweetObsolete

    Keeps opening his mouth really wide

    Thanks guys :) I think the spurs are only for the veileds... but I do believe he is male because he has been really colorful lately. I checked and he wasn't pooing last time his mouth was open. Also, its looking kinda yellow in there... I don't know if this is part of his normal color...
  16. SweetObsolete

    Turtle turtle :)

    Aww its so cute. I've never seen that kind of turtle before.
  17. SweetObsolete

    Keeps opening his mouth really wide

    Got some more pictures of him today. Caught another one of him opening his mouth. That's him in his cage, looking all brown. He also often has black bars in his cage (when he's awake.) Here's a couple of him outside his cage. Lemme know, do you see that male bulge? I really don't...
  18. SweetObsolete

    Is it actually spring!?

    Blizzarding in MN :( I didn't think we were going to have any more snow this year. I am so sad.
  19. SweetObsolete

    Keeps opening his mouth really wide

    *giggles* I hadn't thought of that. I'm gonna pay attention to that now and see if that's what it is. That would be a relief. On a side note, I noticed him becoming interested in the bottom of the plants lately... like he's trying to dig through the rocks to get to the dirt. I don't know...
  20. SweetObsolete

    Keeps opening his mouth really wide

    Here's a somewhat recent picture of him, I can try and get more later, but alas, I am short on time!
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