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  1. ju5t1n

    The NARBC is this weekend in Anaheim!

    Oh I might be getting a female Leatherback Bearded Dragon if I can find a cool one for the price! Here's my male! The 1st day I got him at the San Diego Reptile show Here he is now. My hand was warm so he flatted his belly out.
  2. ju5t1n

    The NARBC is this weekend in Anaheim!

    I'll be there Saturday! Buying who knows what kind of stuff until my bank/girlfriend says "NO" lol
  3. ju5t1n

    UVB Question

    Yeah that's what I was thinking a few days shouldn't be a problem but I'm back at my moms with the UVB lights decided to take them cause I had room. I take them out side like once a week and read a magazine or something let them free range for a hour or two on a hibiscus I have out back.
  4. ju5t1n

    UVB Question

    No problem Matt!!! Oh and to answer your question a little better. I use a 5.0 exo terra 18 inches with the fluorescent hood/fixture wrapped in tin foil on top of/outside of the screened cage with about 6 inches from his vines. Here's the weather where I live. Thursday 74, Friday 72...
  5. ju5t1n

    UVB Question

    Wow I didn't even think of putting them outside! LOL thinking about to much stuff (my excuse) :D And for Matt Go to this link to see the UVB out puts against small screen and 5mm mesh and using Reflectors and Foil reflectors zoomed vs exo terra 5.0's Page 6 & 7 I believe...
  6. ju5t1n

    UVB Question

    Hello Everyone, I had a questions on the UVB, I'm going to be house sitting for my mom to take care of her dog and my grandma's cat, But I was thinking of taking them with me so I don't have to drive back and foward and was wondering if I could go 4 days with out the UVB light. I'm still...
  7. ju5t1n

    NEW LLLREPTILE Store now open! Mission Valley - San Diego!

    Yeah Orange County would be AWESOME for me too!!!
  8. ju5t1n

    reptile super show in san diego.

    I can't wait to go! I can only make it on sunday tho =[ I going to drive out early on sunday morning then cruise back down the same day.
  9. ju5t1n

    what plant?

    Yeah my Hibiscus Looked real sad after a few weeks. I'm going to try an umbrella tree (Schefflera) in mine. I heard they are a good indoor cage plant.
  10. ju5t1n

    Praying Mantis Babies

    lol yeah they are attracted to movement and can turn their head like 180 degrees CRAZY! But yeah you can feed them flightless fruit flies when they are small then crickets. I kept mine in a huge ruber maid container but had to tape the lid down! Their pretty cool though gave some to my...
  11. ju5t1n

    DIY Vines, anyone know how to make?

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to make some vines my chameleon can cruise around on. Or should I just buy some lol
  12. ju5t1n

    Boy or Girl?

    Yeah looks female to me. try to post a picture of the back foot on the back legs This is what a male has.
  13. ju5t1n

    May 31st (Tues) South Bay Chameleon Keepers Meeting

    I will be there tonight!
  14. ju5t1n

    Why did you name your cham what you named him?

    lol nice my male's Veiled's name is Yoshi I thought it went well for a chameleon and his tongue and greenness but found out a bunch of people named their chameleon that! Oh well and the female's name is Fiona from Shrek.
  15. ju5t1n

    Cham Climbing on Roof?

    My veiled did that too so I put a branch closer to the light and he still does it but not as much now he bask more on the branch. I have like 4 levels of branches starting at about 3 inches from the top of the cage he's still a youngin.
  16. ju5t1n

    reptisun vs. exo terra UVB

    Found it!!! Go to page 6 & 7 to see the uvb out puts on the zoo med and exo terra 5.0s I was just going to get the exo terra and put foil in my fixture lol it shows the results of that too!!!
  17. ju5t1n

    Veiled Chamelelon Biting Fake Leaves

    Can't find the "like" button!!! Lol ill try the umbrella tree with some pothos Thank you everyone!
  18. ju5t1n

    reptisun vs. exo terra UVB

    I saw somewhere that the zoo med put out more uvb. I'm on my phone but ill try to give you a link
  19. ju5t1n

    Dripper vs. Homemade Mister

    Yeah I wanted to do that too but I'm not sure on the gallons per minutes or gallons per hour on the pump to create a mist I know you kinda need a high or stronger pressure pump
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