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  1. lindseymeder16

    Proud as a peacock

    Adorable little guy!
  2. lindseymeder16

    Who is going to Pamona this weekend?

    It'll be my first time there...pretty excited!!:D Hoping there will be a bunch of feeders. Anyone else going?
  3. lindseymeder16

    African Dwarf Frogs

    I had two and kept them in my aquarium with some guppies. Really neat and active. I never found that much info on them either. I fed them dried blood worms
  4. lindseymeder16

    Really, I'm not a stupid person...

    Ooo you are lucky! I had the same thing happen with my veiled...only he pretty much jumped off the stick that I was holding and grabbed onto our orange tree. We had to get a latter and chop some tree off just to get him! They are adventurous little ones
  5. lindseymeder16

    Just wanted to share my excitement

    Just wanted to update - my first day to volunteer is on Wednesday! I am so excited!!
  6. lindseymeder16

    Spike is 3 Years Old Today

    Ahhhh this makes me want to get a veiled again! So handsome :)
  7. lindseymeder16

    Jacksons + Jacksons = baby Jacksons

    Sweet pictures. Jackson's are adorable. Love the horns on the little ones! They're like little triceratops. :)
  8. lindseymeder16

    Just wanted to share my excitement

    Thanks guys! I'm really hoping they accept me. I've never volunteered for a place like this and it is something that I am very excited about!!
  9. lindseymeder16

    Just wanted to share my excitement

    My new cage and more lights came in the other day for my future panther cham :) (Black Friday deals... woot woot) We are going to take my old cage and turn it into an outside cage for both my bearded dragons and the chameleon when I get him a few months from now. :D (Obviously they won't be...
  10. lindseymeder16

    Boomer 2 yrs old Pics(LATE!)

    He is awesome! Who is his sire?
  11. lindseymeder16

    My loves!

    Just a couple pics of my babies! My Beardies - BP (stand for bottomless pit not beer pong:p) & Harlow. As you can see giant dubias are their favorites... BP Harlow My Tremper Snow Leopard Gecko, Scar. He actually just recently escaped out of his cage and we found him across the...
  12. lindseymeder16

    You know you're obsessed...

    when the only items on your Christmas wish list are reptile related. Help:eek::D haha
  13. lindseymeder16

    Calumma nasutum

    Whoa, these guys are neat!
  14. lindseymeder16

    Lazy Boy is home

    He is awesome!! Love his colors!
  15. lindseymeder16

    Son of Kaepernick

    He has some nice looking colors on him!
  16. lindseymeder16

    Thoughts on Repti Fogger??

    Dang, well since I already bought it I guess I'll see how it goes. I'm sure I can find a use for it with future reptiles. But looks like I'll be investing in a humidifier later on down the road. Thanks!
  17. lindseymeder16

    Thoughts on Repti Fogger??

    Hey all! I just recently purchased the repti-fogger. Do any of you guys use it? I had problems with humidity with my veiled and am hoping that the repti-fogger will help with that when I get my new cham. I was looking at cool mist humidifiers but they are so bulky.
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