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  1. Reptile Stef

    What breed am i??

    I no you can breed any panther with any panther but if there crosses you won't get hardly nothing for the baby's so it's better to keep them to the same locale. Veiled chameleon x panther would like to see what turns out like. Lol
  2. Reptile Stef

    What breed am i??

    Yeah mate you can breed red bars with blue bars as long as there the same locales like 2 ambilobes or 2 ambanjas etc. :cool:
  3. Reptile Stef

    What breed am i??

    Hi Guys I'm really sorry I haven't got back to any of your questions been pretty busy. I bought him from a shop called cold blooded in rainham Essex Paul one of the shop owners told me he was a nosy be you couldnt really tell at that time because he was only 4 months old and didn't have alot...
  4. Reptile Stef

    Gravid colours

    Hi Guys I have a female ambilobe panther and a male panther I havent bred her yet but I think she may be laying infertile eggs she has a laying bin in her enclosure which is just play sand at the right consistency and I have covered her enclosure to let her be. Heres a picture of her can...
  5. Reptile Stef

    What breed am i??

    Hi Guys Can you tell me what breed you think my panther is im hopeing his an ambilobe coz i have a female ready for mateing. RESTING COLOURS Thanks Guys
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