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  1. clay5769

    Ebay mantis egg cases

    I found 2 of them in a bush on a part of the bush that was dried out and dead. I got lucky I just kind of looked while walking and there they were. I think they are mantis egg sacks I will find out soon enough. Clay
  2. clay5769

    Ebay mantis egg cases
  3. clay5769

    My set up.

    Thanks all. there was no animals when I took the pictures I just set it up and was watering the plants and misting them.
  4. clay5769

    My set up.

    Hi all I went with BEARDED PYGMY (Rieppeleon brevicaudatus) I will be getting them this friday from eveything I found about them they are suposed to be very hardy and fairly easy to breed. I read these little guys use more of a teraruim set up rather then the open style..
  5. clay5769

    Shut these crickets up!

    noise teach them sign language. :p
  6. clay5769

    Buying on line

    on line Ok thanks all for the advise I guess I will go with the CB Veiled Chameleons Clayton
  7. clay5769

    Buying on line

    Bradypodion tavetanum Two Horned Chameleons Two Horned Chameleons are they any different as far as care and hardeness as a panther or a veild? I have a chance to get 2 CB babys thanks Clayton
  8. clay5769

    Misting System

    misting Hi all If this kit is the one I think it is, the guy makes them here in Maryland and I know him he got me into poison arrow frogs it is a great kit.. I used it with my frog it works well.. Clay MD
  9. clay5769

    Buying on line

    Hi all new guy here. I bought some chameleons on line a few years ago. a place in florida I think it was. I had real bad luck the baby died within 3 weeks and the adults lasted about 6 months. I still have the cages and the books and misting set ups and I really want to get back into it. I have...
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