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  1. R

    Cloudy eye

    Pictures would help although if he is still responsive and normal in apatite etc.. I would just monitor him for now. The vets is obviously a safeguard, make sure it does not develop into something nasty
  2. R

    Cloudy eye

    Sorry I was thinking of wax worms for some bizarre reason then. (these are very fatty)
  3. R

    Cloudy eye

    To use the supplements simply dust your crickets/locust/worms in the powder and feed to your chameleon. The night time temperatures are also fine without the bulb (60-65 is recommended). Good supplements are Zoo Med "Reptivite" and "Repti Calcium"
  4. R

    Cloudy eye

    I would recommend an upgrade in tank soon :) is the UV a 5.0 UV Bulb? I also wouldn't use a heat lamp at night, turning all lights off at night is recommended for a better heat drop. Have you tried offering him any green veg? I also wouldnt feed silkworms every day. But every few days as a...
  5. R


    He is most probably just settling in. Is he at the top (warmer) or bottom (cooler) area? Is he also behind foliage? He may just be shy and not want to be seen, younger chameleons especially become more intimidated and want to hide from human presence, with patience, respect and time this will...
  6. R

    I think my chameleon needs a new home..

    Hello, There will always be some worse than others but with the particularly nasty ones I would recommend the following: How have you been going in to handle your chameleon? I would recommend using your right hand to SLOWLY move in underneath, but show a slant with your arm, Chameleons will...
  7. R

    Cloudy eye

    Hello, Welcome to Chameleon Forums :) Is this white film directly over the eye? Or on the outside skin around the center? Is your chameleon also shedding his body? Or is just his eye white? I would not recommend washing his eye out at all, unlike snakes, chameleons and other lizards do not shed...
  8. R

    Mouth Open & Lack of appitite.

    Hey, nice set-up by the way ;) I wouldn't worry to much about your chameleon, sometimes they open their mouths as said due to heat or it could be to warn you, I noticed my female has done this many times before, but this is when she has been heavily gravid. Does she fluff up and flatten her...
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