hey, i'm wondering if you guys know any sites that sell Veiled Chameleons that are trustworthy to deal with? any help would be greatly appreciated.
it a male Veiled Chameleon, and it's a baby (not sure excatly)
someone told me that if i start out handling him every three days for a month and then start increasing the amount i handle him and start hand feeding that he will start to enjoy being handled.
and i do hear about people who...
has anyone here had problems with stress in handling their chameleon?
i just got a male chameleon a few days ago and i've handled him once each day, i am going to cut back to like every 3 days or so.
i hear all over that you can't handle your chameleon but i also hear that their chameleon...
where can i get the screening for a cage?
i just built a 2x3x4 and put the smallest screening i could find but it's still too big and the crickets get out. :( so i've set up a bowl for feeding which works just fine.
but i'm planing on getting a female too, and want to build her her own...