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  1. sativa420


    suprisingly pablo is feeling better today. he has been imobile in a hammock for almost a week. i have been force feeding him water and wax worms. today when i went to go feed him his eyes were not so sunken in and for the first time he actually turned his head and opened his mouth to be fed. im...
  2. sativa420

    What are your "real" jobs

    i am also a college student. i work at UPS and pimp hoes out of the back seat of my caddy on weekends.
  3. sativa420


    ya i dont think he will make it much longer. i had to make him a hammock so he doesnt have to spend his last days on the floor. he just isnt bouncing back. today when i woke up he had two rod looking things sticking out of his vent. after wathering him a bit they went back in. he looks like hes...
  4. sativa420


    well bad news. pablo is not doing so well. thins morning he was on the floor of his cage and he fell during his shower. i dont think the poor little guy will make it much longer. its been two weeks since he has eaten and he stoped drinking water two days ago. when i try to give him water in a...
  5. sativa420


    he is also a little more active. but the light patches of scales on his head are growing....
  6. sativa420


    the grasshoppers i gave him looked similar but were all green. they were taken from a farm in east texas (no pesticides)
  7. sativa420


    he gets daily showers and misted 2 to 3 times a day. i just recently moved him out side and that seems to be making him feel better. im cleanin his cage tomarrow and repotting the plants this weekend. also he was not tested for either. these are just for precaution. thanks for your advice
  8. sativa420


    went to the vet yesterday. he said he couldnt find anything wrong so he is treating him for parasites and bacterial infection. he gets .15 ml of baytril daily and .25cc of panacur weekly. he seems a little better today but after reading about colorcham427's loss i fear pablo is on the same...
  9. sativa420


    vet appointment is set for 11:30 tomarrow
  10. sativa420


    im going to make an appointment tomarrow..... here are some pics
  11. sativa420


    not active. i put his cage out side so he can get some real sun during the day and he just sits there. last night i caught him sleeping on the ground. his eyes are really sunken in too.
  12. sativa420


    i thought he was gettin bored witrh crix so i gave him some wax worms. he atem for two days then stoped again. the last time he shed he never fully shed his sides. and two days ago just one of his feet shed. yes he is drinking and there is poop in his cage(very little and mostly the white stuff)
  13. sativa420


    so pablo isnt doing so hot. aside from a few leaves he hasnt eaten much in a week ad a half. and now the skin on his head is starting to turn white. not shed or fungus. just the scales look llike they are getting bleached. im thinking it might be impaction. right before he stopped eating he was...
  14. sativa420

    new cage idea

    i might try it. pablo is in need of a new cage and as soon as my damn paypal accout is verified im getting a panther. one of dynamite's babies to be exact. this looks like it would make for a good double cage.
  15. sativa420

    new cage idea

    any one ever taken one of these and used a skill saw to cut windows out of the sides and doors? let me know if you think it might work
  16. sativa420

    Screened aquarium vertical extenders

    for a baby you wont need a big cage but for a full size chameleon i would say 3-4 feet at least. these animals need lots of vertical room. check they sell some cheap/small cages.
  17. sativa420

    Any way to report petco?

    plan a jail break. i would if all the chams i seen at pet stores were easily accessable. stealings wrong but to save a life is the right thing to do.....
  18. sativa420

    Beautiful Baby Sambava Panthers

    i sent you a pm
  19. sativa420

    Blue Bar Ambanjas For Sale

    quick question and please dont think im bashing but why would some one buy yours for 275 when you can get a baby from the sire for 250?
  20. sativa420

    pablo at 8 months

    he is cb and im actually looking for a lady for him now but am having trouble deciding on who to get her from. i like how his colors look so im trying to find a female with the same traits. all i can find are the "sunburst" chameleons. plus its over 100 degrees here so not for another month or two.
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