i am adding a link tell me if these are ok for chameleons?
so is this it ?
i go through www.petstore.com for all our animal stuff
cage- homemade from an old dresser
handling-every now n then
feeding-crickets he eats everyday(from petsmart)
supplements-Repta-Calcium Dietary Supplement from Fluker's
watering-5 times a day by hand
facal description-normal he hasnt been tested for anything.
history-we got him from...
we got our baby jackson chameleon 2 months ago. and hes been eating ok etc . but today i noticed he seems very weak,sinked in eyes. i just feed him yesterday . and he did eat he was fine . but i had the same thing happen to my graceful a month ago after i fed him. ( i got my crickets from...
looking for a jackson chameleon or a four horned. also would need to ship. if you have either one for sale please email me to my email address [email protected] i am in upstate new york
we have a female graceful.who just recently laid eggs for the 1st and it was a suprise to us. but since we got her she keepings falling. the branching we have in there with her are not slipery she always has a grip.but she falls and when she lands she full on falls . i dont know why.:(
i am looking for a male jackson and have him shipped. i am looking for one . so if u have one for sale or about to hatch please let me know thank you:)