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  1. keceru

    A stylish cage for chameleons

    When I took my first two babies I built a "simple" cage. A few strips of wood, a mesh half inch sized .... in short, a cage as you can have seen many time ......... The wife was horrified: " that henhouse cant be at home.":eek: So to do something a little more stylish I thought I'd take...
  2. keceru

    Sid is Three Years Old Now

    Fantastic photos. The details of the skin and the eyes are incredible.
  3. keceru

    A Baby Rango from Rome

    I thank you for all the informations and suggestions I read on this forum. I studied it for weeks before buying the two babies. I sent you some other pics of them, i hope you'll enjoy them. It's not easy to take nice pics of her because she's very shy.
  4. keceru

    A Baby Rango from Rome

    Hi its my first post. Im Marco from Rome. Im novice about Chamaleon, I started with two baby of cayptratus two months ago. Up to now it seems all is going well.:) In this video you can see Rango,the male. The female is very shy and timorous so I try to disturb her less possible and I dont...
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