REALLY!? I had no idea that you could get a chameleon outside of a chained pet store. It makes perfect sense that they wouldnt know a lot about these animals since theyre attention and care is split between so many different animal species. Id rather buy from a mom and pop store where they know...
I really feel like its a shame that evern the petco store I bought him from gave me no indication how advanced a pet this was to take on. Not blaming them, but before you let a customer walk out of a store, you should brief them a little on the responsibility. I too should have searched harder...
WOW!!!! I am absolutely amazed at how much I didn't know... its incredible how much I did wrong, and with him being 5 months, that means that he was struggling to love this entire time. uhg, I really can't believe it. This is the first time that i've looked on a forum and already, this is...
I feel terrible, I really caused him to die. I really can't believe it... I guess its because I've successfully raised tree frogs (red eyes and whites treefrogs) for a long time, that I wanted to give chams a try. but theyre not the same at all. Chams require so much more than I ever realized or...
I appreciate the help guys, it feels terrible to know that I made this little guy suffer because I wasn't ready to set him up with a proper housing. I don't see his heart beating anymore, so I think it's over for him. The problem is that I tried to set his terrarium up by watching youtube...
Hello, this is my first time posting on this saite as i am a new cham owner. Ive had yoshi for about 4 months now, and he was doing fine until suddenyl last night I noticed he was sluggish, and weak. here is his info:
Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon
Handling - around once a week
Feeding -...