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  1. M

    shipping chams2-3day?

    And we must remember where talking about a living, feeling animal!!! if you penny pinch on the shipping what about set up, food and vet fees! The animals welfare should always be first in the mind of the keeper, not how can i save a few quid!
  2. M

    shipping chams2-3day?

    Standard mail is pretty much the hole rm service and now there also striking on a reg basis it will only be worse. 2-3 days can often take upto 5 or more, the end result being best case senario a badly stressed out and deyhdrated cham, worse case a dead cham, and more bad publicity for us as...
  3. M

    shipping chams2-3day?

    Read my above post and reserch how the diffrent transport methords actuly work, theres a much bigger picture that some people clearly can not see or understand.
  4. M

    shipping chams2-3day?

    Have any of you been in a transport hub or mail sorting centre? do you relise how thrown about stuff can be or how cold the warehouses can be? if the arnswer is no you simply can not give a fully educated arnswer to this. International shipping is handled much better as it in most cases works...
  5. M

    shipping chams2-3day?

    In the UK it is 100% illegal to send animals via the normal mail service and rightly so. Things go missing, damaged and so on. Shipping in this mannor shows the seller dont care one bit about the livestock and the buyer is pretty low on morals and welfare concerns. People like this are a...
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