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  1. luvzebra3

    mister water

    it's a Mistking and I only put in a gallon of water in the 5 gal bucket every few days I have a heater in there now that says it raises the temp 5 - 10 degrees from room temperature. I realize the mist may never be warm, but I would like to take some of the chill out of it. He runs away from it...
  2. luvzebra3

    mister water

    I have read pros and cons about heating the water in the mister reservoir. What is the opinion here? Thanks for the input
  3. luvzebra3

    Monroe's new digs

    Here is his new enclosure - what do you think? I had to sneak up on him to get his picture since he kept hiding behind the vines! Stinker!
  4. luvzebra3

    My weekend project

    Still messing around with the mister & need rocks for the planters but how does it look? There are also some vines going behind the plants that you can't see in the pics
  5. luvzebra3

    My little boy is growing up!

    Thanks! It's strange how excited we get over the little things!:p
  6. luvzebra3

    My little boy is growing up!

    Took him outside for some sun and he fired up! This is the first time I am seeing some color in him!
  7. luvzebra3

    got a dog question

    Have you done any allergy testing? Then you will know for sure what is causing the problems. They test for food and environmental allergies. Usually if a problem persists into the winter, it points to food allargies or less often to some kind of contact allergy. When doing a food trial you...
  8. luvzebra3

    My crabby boy

    That is EXACTLY what I am dealing with! I so want to interract with him! All my other herps are great for handling (even my Pacman frog is better & I got him after the cham & they are supposed to be really mean!)
  9. luvzebra3

    My crabby boy

    OOH! that's a good idea! I will try that! Thanks!
  10. luvzebra3

    My crabby boy

    I have been trying to hand feed but he wants nothing to do with me. I even thought of not feeding him unless he took it from me but i think he would starve first. he is kind of funny though because when i am in his enclosure to put food in his bowl or clean he leans away from my hand. He will be...
  11. luvzebra3

    My crabby boy

    Whenever I get close to him, he starts to puff up. If I get too close he really puffs up & hisses. I just want to be friends!:(
  12. luvzebra3

    My new Fatty Frog

    oops 2nd try with pic Trying to post pic again
  13. luvzebra3

    My new Fatty Frog

    Here is my new frog. i have had him for 2 weeks and he has gained 42 g already!
  14. luvzebra3

    First taste of sunshine!

    MAN! The more I see Jacksons - the more I want one (some!)
  15. luvzebra3

    Update with photos :)

    he's gorgeous! I want a jacksons so bad!
  16. luvzebra3

    Leave him alone or push the issue

    I have been doing that, he hasn't taken anything from me yet, but I can get pretty close to him. I needed to clean off his favorite plant today and attempted to move him out of his enclosure. Again, he only let me get so close then BAM!
  17. luvzebra3

    Leave him alone or push the issue

    So I attempted to put my hand near my little 3 month old veiled and he turned a beutiful black and green, and actually reared up and lunged at me! A few times! I kinda thought it was funny but my question is do I then leave him alone or do I continue to try to get him on my hand? I am used to...
  18. luvzebra3

    First Shed!

    Ha! That's awesome!!! Love what:) you did with it! Thanks!
  19. luvzebra3

    First Shed!

    Monroe is shedding for the first time since I got him!
  20. luvzebra3

    Some shed left...

    Ha! he must have heard me - he is shedding today!
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