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  1. lottie

    Loosing his spikes continued....

    Hi. As most of the posts about burns etc don't seem to have an end result i thought i would post. Thor lost all of his back spikes due to what we think was a burn from his basking lamp being too hot/too close to his tank. All of his spikes appeared to join togethe in one long grey/black...
  2. lottie

    can anyone help with dying tropical fish?

    Thank you for your help. Sadly zag died. I removed him from the main tank but he only lasted maybe an hour longer. Hadn't doen a major clean in about 2-3months. Ammonia/nitrates were fine and no white spot. I think it was just his time to go. I have had fish tank about 3 years. The...
  3. lottie

    can anyone help with dying tropical fish?

    I know this a cham forum but as iv had good advice for my cham I wondered if anyone could help. Sadly one of my large silver dollars is dying and has been led on the bottom of the tank for a day now. He is alive and has a spurt of live when I tried to catch him. But it really is just a matter...
  4. lottie

    Loosing his spikes on back??

    loosing spikes on back cont...... Any advice as i now have pics?
  5. lottie

    Loosing his spikes on back??

    Thor My apologies for taking a long time with pics, we've been preoccupied with a family death :( 'Scab' is almost off now and looks like normal skin underneath. Pics are 2 after and 1 before it happened.
  6. lottie

    Loosing his spikes on back??

    Thank you Will post one tonight when i get home. I got him out to clean his tank out yesterday and it looks like the 'scab' is almost ready to come off. you can see under parts of it. There is one tiny droplet of what looks like dried blood/pus (kind of looks like eye dust) but nothing looks...
  7. lottie

    Loosing his spikes on back??

    I can not find the post after a quick look through but from other posts i think he may have been burnt. :( We used to have a glass exoterra tank that we struggled to heat up to temp during the colder months and after insulating the sides etc didn't work we added an extra heat lamp. We...
  8. lottie

    Loosing his spikes on back??

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - veiled, male, we've had him since he was about 6 weeks old and he is 1 year. Handling - Handle most days, on his terms! He 'begs' at the front of his tank or comes out on to his trees when tank is open (his tank is usually open with vines to our indoor trees...
  9. lottie

    Please help! Possible impaction?

    He has a glass exoterra tank 2 foot x 3 foot x 1.5 foot I think. I have tried attaching a file. Hopefully it will work Have also attached a couple of pics of our little man :)
  10. lottie

    Please help! Possible impaction?

    Thor's tank!/photo.php?fbid=10151064536051746&set=a.10151032925321746.420031.507231745&type=1&theater I know it is longer than it is tall but he is still small (you can see him middle back) and we are currently saving for a 3-4 foot tank
  11. lottie

    Please help! Possible impaction?

    Hi He has 3 UV ( 2 at the moment) as his cage is 3 foot long and the hood we have has space for them. With only one UV bulb his tank is really dark. The heat bulb was recommended to us as his heat source (we were told that chameleons could not see the infra red) I can post a picture of...
  12. lottie

    Please help! Possible impaction?

    Also Also another quick question. Do Chameleons get hiccups? After i gave Thor water last night, i noticed him having a little occasional twitch, it only lasted minutes and its the second time this has happened. I did accidently spray him whilst putting the droplets in his mouth, could...
  13. lottie

    Please help! Possible impaction?

    correction! sorry cage sizes should be in cm!!
  14. lottie

    Please help! Possible impaction?

    Thor Hi Thanks for your help Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - veiled, male, we've had him since he was about 6 weeks old and he is coming up to about 11 months. Handling - Handle most days, on his terms! He 'begs' at the front of his tank or comes out on to his trees when tank is open...
  15. lottie

    Please help! Possible impaction?

    How do i know if my veiled is impacted? I've noticed that he doesn't poop as often (hasn't really been since Sunday)and this morning he looked really aggitated. He was walking really quickly around his tank and thrashing his head round with his mouth open. He also looked like he needed to go...
  16. lottie

    Is my chameleon hungry!?!

    He is a veiled chameleon. And he is so good at the guilt trip! I'm starting to worry about what i gave him when he was a baby. What we read on forums and advice from the pet shop was 4-5 small locusts a day. So perhaps we underfed him and he's always been starving :( He seems healthy and...
  17. lottie

    squeaking sounds?

    When our chameleon was a little younger, he would make a little high pitched squeak (bird like) when he was scared (i.e if we moved suddenly or too quickly near him) perhaps this is it? Now he is older, when he doesn't want us to handle him we get a little hiss!
  18. lottie

    Is my chameleon hungry!?!

    Our 7 month old chameleon is always hungry! We feed him around 7-8 medium crickets/locusts a day. Occasionally a wax worm or wax worm moth as a treat. He will literally eat anything that flies by him when he's out or that moves in his cage. Should i feed him more? I've noticed that we feed...
  19. lottie


    ok i will go to the shop tomorrow and look for it. We were told "repton" was enough!
  20. lottie


    Yes as you can see in the pic on my first post he has doubled in size in 2 weeks! He's getting a little attitude going on too! He has that look of "really! I don't think so" when you hold your hand out "I am not stepping on that!" New cage may be required quicker than I thought!! Any extra...
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