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  1. G


    After reading parts in the science thread regarding chams memory I really wish I had the priviledges to take part in the conversation but alas do not. So i was just wondering how many of you guys have a Cham that recognizes you, and even goes as far as associating you with food/water/etc. I...
  2. G

    closing one or both eyes and slight napping

    The more I read on the forums the more i feel its my early warning signs that I need to switch from regular bulbs to the strip lights because its too intense for her eyes, anyone got any reccomendations? I already got my uvb takrn care of, but what about uva and basking lights? Mind you this is...
  3. G

    closing one or both eyes and slight napping

    I'll have to double check on the wattage and thats good to know about the supplementing, I was fearful of ODing her with vitamins. As far as something in the eye can i check by looking in her eye or would it be not noticable to naked eye, and just to clarify if my night time temp drops to maybe...
  4. G

    closing one or both eyes and slight napping

    So the more I read here the more its getting me concerned about my female veiled cham moose. Although researching mbd I don't see any applicable signs towards that being the cause, shes very active, legs look just fine. But I do catch her on occasion shutting one or both eyes periodically thru...
  5. G

    newish to chams, any newcommers tips?

    I monitor every feeding session. And I feed with tongs, unless you mean cham will randomly decide to eat the dirt that's not my concern. I was just attempting to replicate I guess the normal enviornment she would experience in the wild, I mean don't get me wrong I'm looking for advice on areas...
  6. G

    newish to chams, any newcommers tips?

    By terrarium I ment screen enclosure with a lined bottom with 12 inches of dirt.... I suppose ill have to upload pics to explain it better lol.
  7. G

    newish to chams, any newcommers tips?

    Yea I found out about egg laying after purchasing the female, because of uneducated pet stores (of course). I'm real nervous about her and eggs, I have the bottom 12 inches of the terrarium filled with organic soil, incase she needed to dig, under the assumption that's enough prep work, should i...
  8. G

    newish to chams, any newcommers tips?

    After reading this over I'm not sure this belongs in enclosures.... Oops. xD
  9. G

    newish to chams, any newcommers tips?

    Ok so first off, if there's any typos in this, sorry I'm using cell phone to post... Anyways, me anf my girlfriend are relatively new to chams and recently got a female veiled, well we originally got her an exoterra glass medium sized terrarium because she was only 3 inches big, with the immense...
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