Veiled Chameleon
Price: $50
Sex: Male
Age: 10 months old
Behavior: Aggressive; but, calms down in natural sun light.
Health: Great, and has never been sick.
Eats regularly: Dubia roaches, fruit (when made to look like a moving worm), meal worms, super worms etc.
Pictures can be...
Yeah there is no window
LOL sorry I meant to include: when he is in the apartment and I open up his cage. The series of pictures that are shown above were taken outside on the balcony. There was no real danger of him falling in these pics, as I was holding the branch he was attached to far...
Yeah he really loves the sun light. Whenever I leave his cage open (so he can explore outside of his cage), he always makes it over to the window so he can catch a few rays. I also have a 1-year old panther cham and he doesn't seem to enjoy the hot rays as much as this little guy does...