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  1. G

    Food and Supplement Help Needed

    Thank you for all the help, ill definitely check out the blog, I am sure I can use lots. He used to love hornworms and the last time I tried he just looked at it, but that was before he caught the fly, he has had silk worms in the past, but I have never heard of butter worms, I don't think...
  2. G

    Food and Supplement Help Needed

    My veiled cham is about 18 months old, he had a fall a while ago and I have been nursing him back and he has made improvements, here is the link to previous thread for when he fell. ( We have been feeding him by hand...
  3. G

    My Chameleon Fell

    Calcium does not have d3. I use calcium usually with every feeding and multi vitamin once a week. He never had a problem with his tongue until he fell. Only used it once to grab a hornworm, and he only shot it out about 3 inches. He has no problems swallowing when we hand feed him and his...
  4. G

    My Chameleon Fell

    Exo terra calcium and multi vitamin
  5. G

    My Chameleon Fell

    Okay so it has been a couple weeks since the trip to the vet and for the most part gumby is getting back to his original self. The only problem is that he can't use his tongue. He looks and recognizes the food but can't act on it. Is there any way that we can get his tongue back to normal, maybe...
  6. G

    My Chameleon Fell

    About 15 minutes and she has to manually count the white blood cells
  7. G

    My Chameleon Fell

    Okay so I took my little buddy to the vet clinic yesterday and here is what I found out. The vet weighed him and he comes in at 182 grams. No major fractures that she could feel or see. I didn't get X-rays done bc of the price and she said she might not even be able to see anything from them. I...
  8. G

    My Chameleon Fell

    Okay so I called around town and no one here deals with reptiles:( I would have to take him to the university of Guelph which is about a 45 minnute drive. And with my work schedule its going to be hard for me to get him there. In the meantime what else can I do for him? He isnt really eating and...
  9. G

    My Chameleon Fell

    Thank you for all of your help! I really appreciate it, and even if there's anything other advice for me I would like to know, I've use the forums a little bit but I've always had trouble with them, even with my car ones. I've just gone with the advice from my local pet shop where a few friends...
  10. G

    My Chameleon Fell

    I didnt know any bruising, but when i went down he was just hanging off a branch, buy his forearm, none of his feet were gripping onto anything and they were all closed. I picked him up very gently and then put him on a blanket and he wouldnt even try to move his legs to stand up and balance...
  11. G

    My Chameleon Fell

    Pictures as of today. The arch on his back looks weird to me.
  12. G

    My Chameleon Fell

    Okay I will take him to the vet tomorrow. Have nightshift tonight in about an hour. Ive got a couple pictures of him here
  13. G

    My Chameleon Fell

    So my chameleon fell two days ago and took about a 30inch fall right onto the hardwood. It sounded like he hit really hard and now he has been acting all funny since and I'm not exactly sure what to do. He is a full grown male veiled. He hasnt been moving around in his cage very much and just...
  14. G

    Eye Question

    Dont have a pic right now bc my little fella just went to bed. I was just checking on him to make sure he was okay and i noticed that he was in his lower half of the cage. about a week and a half ago his eye was swollen then the next morning it was gone and it hasnt come back. When i was...
  15. G

    10 month old gumby

    heres my 10 month old veiled, his name is gumby, let me know what you guys think:)
  16. G

    9 month old veiled gumby

    i was just wondering about the dark spots on the side of him and along the underside of his belly
  17. G

    9 month old veiled gumby

    here is my 9 month old veiled. Ive moved him into a larger cage which he seems to like a lot, attached is a picture of him that i took today, i just wanted to make sure he looks normal to everyone, i give him all his suppliements and try to keep him as healthy as i can. just curious if his skin...
  18. G

    Eyesight question?

    Okay so my veiled is 5 months old and I have an eysesight question. When I have him out he sometimes closes his one eye and only for a couple seconds. What could this be from?
  19. G


    I just moved him downstairs into my basement yesterday bc the humidity and the temperature is more stable there than upstairs in my room. Will it take about another week to adjust. Also how am I supposed to take him out of his cage to clean it? He hids and gets all angry whenever I get near or...
  20. G

    Plastic Sheeting to Help With Humidity

    So today I put a plastic sheet around 3 sides of my terrarium and a little strip on the top to hold in the moisture and humidity. Its close to the screen but not tightly wrapped against it. It does reflect a little bit of the light, is this a problem or something I should be concerned about?
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