Four Madagascar iguanas for identification
My apologies if iguanas are not appropriate for this site. But lacking knowledge about lizards, I would appreciate any help in determining if these four are the same species - Oplurus cuvieri perhaps?
More Madagascar Lizards
Here are five more lizards I wish to identify. 0791 is from Ranomafana; 1584 is from Ankarafantsika; 9215 is from Andasibe-Mantadia; 616 is from Ifaty; and 642 is from Isalo.
Kent and Chris: I have some lizards other than chameleons (such as the five shown above) that I would like to have identified by a reliable source. Can you advise me on what sites I should post them?
Kent and Chris: I really appreciate your help with these chameleons. There is one left - 0573 above. Can you identify it for me? I will post some geckos next week.
I have found photos of five more chameleons from my trip. These really are the final ones.
The first (0271) is from Anjaha Community Conservation Site. The second & third (0590 & 0702) were taken at Ranomafana. The fourth (1590) is from Ankarafantsika and the fifth (8843) is from Andasibe...
More chameleons
Thank you for your interest and your quick responses. I have a final five pictures to submit. The first three (1165, 1277 & 1591) were taken at Ankarafantsika and the last two (8862 & 8880) are from Andasibe-Mantadia.
I am working on a Blurb book of photographs taken during a trip to Madagascar in October 2011. I have identified the birds but am having difficulty with the chameleons. I am attaching five photographs and would appreciate any help in identifying the species.