I have a 10 month old male panther chameleon, and I have a question about his tongue. When he eats on his own, loose bugs in the cage, he occasionally misses, but otherwise, is fine. When I hand feed him, it seems like his tongue doesn't fully extend and when it does, it's not "sticky." That is...
It started back when he was on a 5.0 UVB, and also happens outside and such, which was why I didn't think it was the light, but I'm switching him back to the 5.0 just in case, see how that goes. Just got home and he's in bed, eyes open, looking fine.
It wasn't just the color, it was overall general behavior. I've gotten to know him and happy Drogo is relatively active, and interested in exploring. That's all.
I'm starting to think that maybe it's not THAT crazy to think they can just have a personality quirk, or allergy or anxiety. If they're otherwise completely healthy, sometimes all you can do is rule out a problem and what's left is what it is.
Oh, I should add that the high temp is only in one small spot in the viv, and he has TONS of vines in ranges from the mid 90's down to the high 70's during the day.
it's been about 3 months. The vet suggested discontinuing all meds, and was very against any med with steroids in it for chams, which makes sense, as they're quite small. I've "tested" his vision and his seems fine when his eyes are open. He never misses, though before shedding, he doesn't grab...
I know, that's why I raised the heat. He was just sitting dark by the bulb, but once I raised the temp he was able to move around a bit and not act so miserably.
He's 18 months. I had the temps a bit lower for a while, but he was dark and unhappy. Once I added a third light to get the temps up around 100, he was much more colorful and moving around. He never gapes or turns pale or anything, and tends to stick where it's hottest.
Ok, so, I've now had my cham at the vet for this issue twice. Two separate vets, He's been on 3 different medications. Here's his living parameters:
Basking temp: 97-102
12 hours on, 12 off. UVB 10.0 tube bulb (not coil)
mistking every other waking hour between 1-3 minutes. In between in summer...
So, I knew there were stories about eye irritation from some UVB bulbs, but I honestly thought they were all out of circulation. Now, however, I'm not so sure. I'd bought a zoomed reptisun bulb a while ago, and never really thought about it, but after my cham had his recent eye problem, with two...
Do you think that continued use of the eye drops is in order? Or should I go back to the vet and see about a systemic antibiotic? I hate fussing with him so much, I feel badly, as I know he doesn't want to be poked and prodded. Also, see above, the increased watering schedule seems to have...
Ok, well, I got some photos. Here's both eyes for symmetry https://www.flickr.com/photos/amalthea23/13992790939/
Here's his eye, more head on, it doesn't look too gummy there, but it looks kind of small to me. https://www.flickr.com/photos/amalthea23/14156294726/
However... I recently...
The doc I go to is in the association. I guess I'll give him a longer course of the second antibiotic drop, it's a 3 in 1, and if that doesn't do it, give the doc another call. I think I'm also going to take all of the plants out of his enclosure, and his vines, and hose everything down, just in...
He's totally fine otherwise. And I took him to the vet who said he seemed perfectly ok. I'll have to get a first thing in the morning shot to show you, once he's been wiped, he's fine until the next day.
Ok, so, I took my cham to the vet a while back to treat his eye, which was sunken a bit. The vet found a small piece of stuck shed and removed it. He gave me a course of eye drops, which I did, but saw no improvement, so we tried a new kind of drop and the eye did improve. Now, in the mornings...
I LOVE a gecko smile, it's adorable, though something about the constant disapproval of my cham makes me think of statler and waldorf, the muppets, and that's charming in its own way.