What do you think of this cage? I like it because it is very large and I can split it off for my many baby Jackson's that I have. Can you foresee any issues with the cage? Please let me know. Thank you
The first two pics are of an adult male and female ready to breed and lay eggs. The last 2 pics are of a sub adult male and female not with wings yet and are not ready.
Two Sub Adults
In about 40-50 days at about 80 to 85 degree temperature they will be ready to breed. You can tell the ones that are adults and ready to breed as they would of shed for the last time and have the hard exoskeleton with wings compared to the other crickets that are soft and squishy and do not...
Its really not an issue to use the crickets that have not been killed or eaten by the spiders already. Its not like the spiders are going to infest the entire colony like ants can do in no time. From time to time I will find a tiny spider in one of my cricket bins that caught a cricket or two...
Just a guess but possibly due to how fast you can have an entire cycle going with Acheta compared to the Gryllodes. The mass breeders love how fast and how many you can breed to sell to the many customers. It would be slower for the Gryllodes I assume.
Instead of having to hang the cages just use vegetable oil to create a barrier that the ants will not be able to penetrate. Maybe use some kind of tray's that are large enough for the cage to sit in and then secure the cages on top of the tray's that have the vegetable oil. Then you will have...
I like them and use them for my cages. I like them because they secure the nozzle down to the cage securing it keeping it from moving and the possible chance of ripping the screen if you were to just secure the nozzle to the screen. I think its well worth the $$. You can always make something...
I agree. Also some of us do not have other options but to breed and use crickets as a main. Here in hawaii we are limited on the bugs allowed into Hawaii and Dubia's are not one of them. I wish I could breed Dubias trust me.
What I like about breeding crickets is once your operation is...
Nothing. Now if you are talking about needing to keep the humidity higher then live plants are your best option. If you still have a hard time keeping humidity up then you can always close off a couple sides with some plastic which will still allow for good airflow and also upping your humidity.
Oh I see. The problem is the Cham will need to eat a ton of baby pinheads a day costing a lot of $$. Also the problem with buying that many pinheads is they grow fast and within 40-60 days they would be pretty much adults. With one baby Cham you are looking at about 140 pinheads a week and...
I also noticed you did not have a dripper of some sort for him? They are really important and are needed to provide him water throughout the day. It is best to have a dripper drip water on a leave or something similar. You want to make sure he stays hydrated.
why not just hatch your own? Its really easy and 200 adults can produce thousands in a 2 week period. Let me know if you would like more info on how to start your own cricket colony. It will save you sooo much $$.
You can clean them with distilled white vinegar then rinse them off really good. Then you can use push pins to secure the branches in the cage anyway you like. It really gives you tons of options and he will thank you for it.
No reason to buy them if you have trees around just cut branches and clean them and set them up in the cage. You want many in there giving him many highways to run around in. The more you fill in that cage the more comfortable he will feel.
You need a lot more branches and cover in there for him. That is why he is trying to escape is he does not feel safe in the open like that. They need places to hide. He will proably start to eat once he is more comfortable in his enclosure. You want to place the branches more to the top of...
Congrats on the babies. Like already mentioned make sure and separate them right away in not too large of a cage. I house my 10 babies in a 12x12x18 screen cage. Put lots of small sticks and a live safe plant of some sort. You need lots of sticks for them to walk on so they do not walk all...