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  1. C

    Acting Strange

    Ok, we've got the laying bin back in and she's digging... her lights just went off but after 5 mins she was still down there so I've turned them back on. She has a blanket covering the front of her viv so she will be undisturbed... let's see how things are in the morning. Thanks for the...
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    Acting Strange

    Ok, thanks, we'll have a proper look at the question sheet... but I think I'll put her bucket back in and see how she reacts ;0/
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    Acting Strange

    Hiya people, My little lizzie has been acting strange the last few weeks. She's not been eating so well, but I've upped the temp in her viv and I've seen her eat a few wax worms this last week. She's not being handled as much as I started a new job 3 weeks ago and there's literally only an...
  4. C

    marked change in feeding habits, some kind of health problem?

    I have a very similar problem with my female veiled... She's approx 9 months old, and laid her first batch of eggs 3 weeks ago... As soon as she'd laid I treated her to a pot of Wax worms which she took a healthy interest in, but now 3 weeks later she's showing no interest in eating...
  5. C

    Gravid Veiled?

    Hiya, our veiled female has been stroppy for a few days, refusing to eat and generally being a bitch... she showed darker colours then normal... We thought to introduce a male from a friend and they spent the weekend together, she seemed more comfortable, they followed each other around, eating...
  6. C


    Hi all, We have been lurking in the background for a few months reading the forums and getting ready for or baby Cham :) well here she is, her name is Lizzy and me and the wife are addicted to her already :D And here is one of her in her Viv.. Look forward to getting to know...
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