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  1. coolpets

    help me plz im a noob

    thx guys for the help:)
  2. coolpets

    help me plz im a noob

    ya my next project is building him a outdoor cage (he worries about the birds getting him:eek:) if my wife dont kill me first anyways
  3. coolpets

    help me plz im a noob

    ya im adding some more plants and vines he sucker me in to buying him a raindome system he told me dad i love my chameleon like u love your fish and u spend lots of money on them (yes im a sucker i no) :p i dont even no what it is lol but he's always wanted one so why not if it truely helps
  4. coolpets

    help me plz im a noob

    i can do that not to hard to do i will give it a go thx u again
  5. coolpets

    help me plz im a noob

    thx for all the help guys i really appreciate it
  6. coolpets

    help me plz im a noob

    wax worms and we just order some roaches but for most part he gets crickets is there a good gut load out there to buy (only ask because i spend atleast 3hrs a day on my reef tank its really hard for me to find time to add something else to make):eek: i plan on breeding my own crickets here soon...
  7. coolpets

    help me plz im a noob

    hes uses rep cal calcium with d3 2 times a month and herptivite multivitamins 2 time also we where told to buy him calcium with out d3 and give that to him every feeding is this true? he feed him mealworms from time to time as a treat he calls it lol
  8. coolpets

    help me plz im a noob

    his last chameleon was a valid he had for about 5 years i would say lets just say his 3 year old sister got a hold of him:(
  9. coolpets

    help me plz im a noob

    ok it looks better today but now its seems to be on his back and head, he feeds him every other day about 7 lg crickets as for as gutload he use's flukers orange cubes and cricket quencher also some greens his cage is screen i was told he is 15 months and we got him yesterday from craglist
  10. coolpets

    help me plz im a noob

  11. coolpets

    help me plz im a noob

    will do as soon as i get home from work thx:)
  12. coolpets

    help me plz im a noob

    my son just bought a 15 month old blue bar male chameleon , well he paid 150$ so wright off the bat I thought there's got to be something wrong with him. Only beacuse I see they cost much more then that. Well I was giving him the once over today:) he looks really well fed and very colorfull ...
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