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  1. R

    Explosion of gnats!

    I had that happen and the soapy water trick worked, eventually they just stopped showing up all together.
  2. R

    Chameleon Lifespan?

    I realized today I have no idea how long I can expect my veiled to live for because nothing I have read gave any sort of indication to lifespan. How long have your chameleons lasted?
  3. R

    Lethargic Chameleon with Skin Problem?

    1. There are no vets that I know of in the area, but I highly doubt that there are any. 2. He doesn't get handled ever, and his cage is in a medium traffic area. Good news though, he's better today, ate every cricket I gave him and is out and about. I guess I'll just wait it out and hope he...
  4. R

    My chameleon seems to hate me...

    I have tried taking him out of the cage, but he just continually runs off my hands and I really don't want to drop him, which I *nearly* have. I suppose I'll just give it some time, hopefully he'll warm up to the idea of being around me, who knows, I'm just glad this is somewhat normal.
  5. R

    My chameleon seems to hate me...

    Thanks! This site is so helpful.
  6. R

    My chameleon seems to hate me...

    Is it normal that my chameleon is absolutely opposed to being around me? It runs for cover everytime I even walk into the room his cage is in and becomes terrified whenever I open the door. He's been like this ever since I got him, he's 3-4 months old, a veiled. Just wondering.
  7. R

    Lethargic Chameleon with Skin Problem?

    My Chameleon (veiled male, 3-4 months old) has always been very reclusive and skiddish around people, but earlier today he retreated into the most dense portion of his cage and hasn't moved at all. His skin looks like it has tiny cracks in it and it's black in-between where it looks cracked. Any...
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