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  1. LeafWalker12

    Samson's New Adult Enclosure

    Samson is my Male Ambilobe Panther Chameleon. He is about a year old to 12months give or take. His new enclosure is 24x24x48 reptibreeze Samson is loving his new Digs more pics to come!
  2. LeafWalker12

    Name this guy!

    name PoPo JoJo ....:D
  3. LeafWalker12

    Samson Tie Dye colors

    Thanks Rush & Bschrader Thanks guys - more pics to come
  4. LeafWalker12

    Samson Tie Dye colors

    CamyLove Thanks CamyLove ! I'm really digging this cool orange color blooming near his eyes .
  5. LeafWalker12

    Samson Tie Dye colors

    Snapped a nice pic of my Male Ambilobe Panther Hope you All enjoy !
  6. LeafWalker12

    Sampson Pics with different Camera

    Kinda old pics I just checked I had idea to check the camera for the date of the pics I posted The photo set was for Dec16 2012 - Samson has feed well and is in great spirits & is very loved So I'm hoping all is well !
  7. LeafWalker12

    Sampson Pics with different Camera

    Carol No worries , Also the basking temp most likey said 96 , I was frantically typing trying to remember details , I appreciate the out side opinion , and I'm hoping for the best .
  8. LeafWalker12

    Sampson Pics with different Camera

    Samson's eyes Looking at his eyes now they look fine , he tracks me & also tracks & attacks prey well - in the photo with the abnormality members are seeing currently does not look to exist on his eye now .. But I'm no expert Samson is my first Cham
  9. LeafWalker12

    Sampson Pics with different Camera

    Response on reply I stated purchased by northwest chameleons on 12-9-12 so 4 months give or take . Sorry basking temp is 90 F I just rechecked These were taken a few months ago with the handy cam - these below are from today
  10. LeafWalker12

    Sampson Pics with different Camera

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Panther Chameleon Male How long has it been in your care?8 months old -# months in my care Handling - handled only to secure him into his enclosure after free ranging Feeding - Dubia roaches -silkworms-mealworms schedule5days a week gut-loading feeders...
  11. LeafWalker12

    Sampson Pics with different Camera

    Pics of Sampson Male Panther Chameleon-usually snap pics with my Iphone ,this time With my sony HandyCam Thanks for looking More pics to come
  12. LeafWalker12

    Sampson Update PIC 1

    Sampsons Age Hi thanks for the comment ,lol I understand . I got Sampson on 12-9-12 He was 5 months when he arrived So I guess he's 9 months give or take I fall more in love with him everyday , just so excited to see his adult colors
  13. LeafWalker12

    Sampson Update PIC 1

    Wow .. I guess I need a better camera to get any love
  14. LeafWalker12

    Sampson Pic 2

    tricky lighting ,His colors are very different in person.I could tell i was starting to pester Sampson With all the pic so i gave Him a Plump Dubia for his troubles I cant wait until Sampson is fully grown .
  15. LeafWalker12

    Sampson Update PIC 1

    Got a nice Shot of Sampson My Male Ambilobe Panther today ,More to come!
  16. LeafWalker12

    Male Ambilobe Panther Samson Update pics

    More pics Trying to get the hang of the pic up load
  17. LeafWalker12

    Male Ambilobe Panther Samson Update pics

    Took a couple more pics of Samson today as he was Basking .
  18. LeafWalker12

    My male Panther Chameleon Samson

    Thanks Alex I had Fun designing the enclosure ... My imagination boggles for his adult enclosure :)
  19. LeafWalker12

    My male Panther Chameleon Samson

    Thanks Matt I thought Ambilobe was the Local but I'm not one to guess.There are so many cross breeds ,and I'm no expert ...yet :)
  20. LeafWalker12

    My male Panther Chameleon Samson

    Thanks Dom Thank you for the kind words ,more pics with a better camera to come soon !
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