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  1. Bentley

    3 day old baby sleeping too much???

    I added his picture as my avatar. He is no bigger than two inches. Wish me luck and bentley good health!
  2. Bentley

    3 day old baby sleeping too much???

    carol5208-I will remove the substrate as recommended. My miner-all is with D3 I will get new stuff tomorrow. They were not selling them. They were adopting them to people who had experience with reptiles and had the set up whom they also were familiar with. I had most of the stuff and have...
  3. Bentley

    3 day old baby sleeping too much???

    Thank you, thank you. I will be getting fruit flies tomorrow and the substrate specifically says ok for tropicals and lists chameleons; are you sure I need to take it out? It is mixed 50/50 with fir bark total about 3 inches on bottom at most. He looks much better with the higher humidity and...
  4. Bentley

    3 day old baby sleeping too much???

    Thank you! Here is some more info First I will say I did think it was too early to take him home, however, they were giving them away and I had most of the items needed and so they said he was good to go but that he was very delicate and there is no return or warranty attached. They advised me...
  5. Bentley

    3 day old baby sleeping too much???

    I have a new three day old baby. I adopted him from the pet store; their adult had babies. I have all the stuff recommended on line in forums and from the rep at the store. Bentley seems to be sleeping a lot on the bedding not on a branch or leaf. I think he has eaten but not sure I put four...
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