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  1. F

    How do I know my vield actually done laying eggs

    Alright thanks everyone. A for the bin is moist play sand in a bucket that's about 15in tall
  2. F

    How do I know my vield actually done laying eggs

    How about at night? Should I leave the lights on or just run night light?
  3. F

    How do I know my vield actually done laying eggs

    I've had dova for a year now and she is going through her first egg laying. It started this morning with her scratching at the floor an has now "looks" like she has finished. Only think I'm concern about it she just sitting there on the sand. Do I give her space or help out?
  4. F

    i actually got her to crawl on my hand!!!

    im very excited hopefully one day she will come to me with out food
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    i actually got her to crawl on my hand!!!

    soo about a couple of weeks ago i decided i would try and "experiment" with dovah and try to get her to feed from my hand. this was my entire process. first i decided to use those 12in tongs with a cricket at the end and hold it by the opposite end keeping my hand as far away from her as...
  6. F

    general handling of a vield

    ok will do thanks
  7. F

    general handling of a vield

    ive had dovah(2-3months old) for about a month and a half now and she seems to get iratated by me very easily and likes to run away everytime i try to handle her, Also she wont let me hand feed her; i had my hand in her cage for 30 minutes with a meal worm and she wouldent go for it. So i was...
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    quick question

    ok awesome thanks for the help
  9. F

    quick question

    i just looked it up on google and its refered to as golden king idk if that helps if i could i post some pics already but i cant figure that out
  10. F

    quick question

    so youve never tried the one i described?
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    quick question

    im just curios if the one with the edges is ok for a chameleon
  12. F

    quick question

    correct me if im wrong but are there two types of ficus benjamina? one with the leaves completely green and another with the edges paler?
  13. F

    little help would be nice

    oh and thank you to anyone who gave me some advice
  14. F

    little help would be nice

    yep its a reptisun umm idk actually shes about 5in without tail
  15. F

    little help would be nice

    shes a vieled chameleon the cage is about 28inx16inx16in zoo med combo deep dome with a 5.0 uvb and a 75 watt basking bulb. the cage usually stays 75 to 80 degrees and about 60 humidity
  16. F

    little help would be nice

    shes veild chameleon
  17. F

    little help would be nice

    hi everyone, my mother for christmas pretty much got me everything i need for my chameleon which i named her dova. ive been reading everything i can and watching vids on youtube to help me but there are some things that she gave me like that i could use some more explaination. heres a list of...
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