Search results

  1. Sinfulintent

    Chinese Water Dragon keepers?

    Thanks! Not sure of the sex or age yet, Snout to vent maybe 4 inches or so, tail makes him really long haven't measured yet as we are trying to get it acclimated and used to its viv first. Already able to pick it up and stuff without much fuss. Just lookin for someone that we can talk to as he...
  2. Sinfulintent

    Chinese Water Dragon keepers?

    Don't want to revive any older threads just curious if theres any still around here that would like to chat, just picked one up and looking for any great input, read that you can give them fruits any suggestions on what kinds? Thanks all!
  3. Sinfulintent

    WTF is this bug?

    If these come up into the valley I'll be pissed... just sayin. I'm sendin em back down your way
  4. Sinfulintent

    Found this guy

    Thanks TK, I was told something similar on some gecko forums earlier as well, busy trying to make the changes currently.
  5. Sinfulintent

    Found this guy

    So, found this little guy at a friends house, decided to snag him up and house him. Male leopard gecko.. reading up on them and trying to figure out exactly what kinda morph he is! Had one person say he's a snow morph, and not to second guess them since I have no ideas just thought I'd ask...
  6. Sinfulintent

    New veiled chameleon loaded with issues

    Gotta say, good job on the rescue, he looks great minus the issues you've stated. Good luck getting him fixed up!
  7. Sinfulintent

    Trying to beat the heat!

    Not so-cal but sittin in the valley, hit 100 yesterday. Luckily my house stays reasonably cool because I have a chinchilla so I have to keep my house colder than Id like (those energy bills are gonna kill me man) But I'll turn their basking lights off sometimes if it does get too hot during the...
  8. Sinfulintent

    My Uroplatus Phantasticus pair

    I was looking into getting some geckos, wasnt sure about which type but did want some. I live in California, I live in the central valley of California, we get all types of weather here, drops in the 10's or 20's in the winter, and summers get 110, so having a room that I could keep a steady...
  9. Sinfulintent

    My Uroplatus Phantasticus pair

    I would def. do my research on them first, but with how little stuff is out there with them right now doubt I'd get one anytime soon. I have a 1 yr old Veiled and two >5 mo old panthers going right now, once I the panthers move into their big boy cages I may be lookin at different species of...
  10. Sinfulintent

    My Uroplatus Phantasticus pair

    OMG this thread makes me want a Uroplatus Phantasticus sooo bad!!! I was going to go with Gargoyle Geckos but these look stunning!
  11. Sinfulintent


    Welcome to the forums! Awesome introduction as well. Very neat stuff. Glad to see your new cham doing well. Where did you get him from?
  12. Sinfulintent

    Huey The Color Changing Chameleon

    Was wasting some time online shopping and..well.. came across this gem..
  13. Sinfulintent

    What are your chameleons names?

    Reptar - Veiled Chucky -Ambilobe Spike - Ambilobe
  14. Sinfulintent


    I read on here a while back that a few people would do this once a month or so as a treat just to change up the diet, as well as baby birds i think. I once even read that someone watched their cham eat a humming bird once... As long as you aren't doing it more than once a month you should be O.K.
  15. Sinfulintent

    UPDATE on veiled with MBD and RI

    That is awesome! So happy for you! :D
  16. Sinfulintent

    help! my female veiled chameleon overshot her food!!

    I'm not 100% sure on this, but I'm pretty sure I've read that when they miss sometimes they just kind of let their tongue droop there for a little bit. If they tongue is hanging out still definetely keep it moist, but if her tongue is in her mouth she may just need to let it rest, could just...
  17. Sinfulintent

    Do you still think my cham is a male?

    Interesting thread to read... Barely a spur on his back feet, could just be a crease.. and he doesnt have very much coloring which would leave me to believe he is a she... But at the same time s/he does have a heck of a buldge :o lol, kind of hard to tell... Definetely say get a good close pic...
  18. Sinfulintent

    how long?

    Chams know when we are watching them, my veiled wont move when i bring him outside and keep an eye on him but as soon as i turn my head to look at something he makes a break for it! Same thing with eating, i can sit there for an hour watchig him and he wont move, as soon as i leave he goes for...
  19. Sinfulintent

    how long?

    I just picked up 2 baby ambilobes and had to ask the same question to a few people over the phone. Both answers were about the same from both of them which was about a week as long as they were drinking water. As long as they drink water they should be fine for several days so make sure you are...
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