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  1. cdross

    Someone PLEASE HELP

    ok so im new to this thing and didn't know where to go or what to fill out...he might be sleeping yes im a new owner here and just got home to check in on him and he just wan't all there... He is moving a round alittle he might of been asleep. Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon...
  2. cdross

    Someone PLEASE HELP

    PLEASE HELP!! I bought a veiled cham sat and he has been looking real good and temps were hight and 70% humidity was having a problem eating but he had a few meal worms monday and ate 2 meal worms today. I just checked on him his eyes are shut he normally doesn't want anything to do with me but...
  3. cdross

    Newbie here

    Thank you everyone for all the advice. Great news "Thore" ate a few meal worms off a I went ahead and took the substate out, and since we live in desert like conditions i bought a fogger. Now that the fogger is going the humidity stays above 70 that too much? Im not really...
  4. cdross

    Newbie here

    Im a little worried. I just brought him home today and I know he is stressed but when should he start eating. He totally isn't into being hand fed, i have a small dish with mealworms in they have to be moving for chameleons to want to eat them? I have the coconut substate now im thinking...
  5. cdross

    Newbie here

    okay so I have done some research on my veiled chameleons habitat, and most everyone said to only put paper towel in the bottom of his enclosure. Thats what i said to a sales person in a pet store. They insisted that i use a fine coconut substrate. I live in Colorado where we have a pretty dry...
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