my sister is on her way with the vermiculite now the only feeders i have on hand are super worms i have power calcium and liquid calcium and a multi vitamin
That is an empty waterfall I took the pump out only use it to catch the water from the dripper and for looks the carpet is spot cleaned every day and is always dry it does not stay wet very long also I swap it out and wash it every week also I have no substrate unless my chameleons dig through...
I upgraded Yoshi and Rex's cages the both have a large reptibreeze cage with fogger dripper uvb bulbs basking bulb lots of fake plants on the side vines live umbrella plants and lots of sticks I want to add more just have been to the store yet to get more repti carpet for substrate
where is a good place to buy insects cheap I want to buy a lot of different kinds and start some colonies so I have stuff on hand for my chameleons all the time...
here is a good place to buy cheap praying mantids
I just got mine in today I only bought one so I will...