Hey guys i posted a couple of weeks ago asking about what type of cage to buy and i decided to buy the 2 feet by 2 feet by 4 feet cage. I was wondering about the specific needs of the veiled chameleon. I will buy a large plant for him to climb on. I will buy a heat lamp with a bulb that can give...
Hey guys i posted a couple of weeks ago asking about what type of cage to buy and i decided to buy the 2 feet by 2 feet by 4 feet cage. I was wondering about the specific needs of the veiled chameleon. I will buy a large plant for him to climb on. I will buy a heat lamp with a bulb that can give...
Hey im new to this website and owning a chameleon. I have done a lot of research on chameleons and i am going to buy a veiled chameleon. When i order the chameleon he will be 2 months old, what dimensions should the tank be? The tank i want to put him in as an adult will be 18x18x36, i was...