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  1. R

    new jacksons cham owner - my enclosure

    dude sean i'm definitely gonna be on here all the time! these guys know their stuff!!! and i've learned a ton already. how's your guy doing?? i have some spare fake plants for you. everyone else thanks a million. glad to know you all approve!!
  2. R

    BASICS for jacksons...??

    I just bougth my jackson's....and I am unsure on what to do to make sure he gets the proper supplements? I have been giving him 5-10 crickets daily, and he eats fine. But I know that Jackson's need protein and calcium, is that right? What are the best ways to get those to him? Is there a powder...
  3. R

    new jacksons cham owner - my enclosure

    Phew! I was nervous to hear feedback cause hanging all that mess takes forever with those twisty ties! lol
  4. R

    new jacksons cham owner - my enclosure

    what do you guys think of this?? too dense with the foliage? or is it ok? he seems to be doing great...i have a drip system set up (probably can't see it, it's at the top of the cage) and plenty of different sized branches and perches. I am adding two real potted plants (umbrella plants) to the...
  5. R

    What are your chameleons names?

    My guy is samson, he's a jackson. :)
  6. R

    new jacksons cham owner

    He is doing better now. Bright emerald green and chilling in the cooler section. Temp. is 70-72 consistently in the room, humidity around 40, he is eating regularly. I think he just gets stressed when I'm around...? Will he get used to my presence?
  7. R

    new jacksons cham owner

    hey there chameleon forums to owning a reptile, and my first choice was a jackson's chameleon. i have a buddy who has extensive experience with reptiles and he is helping me, but I wanted to join this community having heard what an awesome resource it is from various people. my...
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