I mentioned this in my last post, but I've managed to get a better pic of what appears to be a blister on my veiled's eye. It doesn't seem to be getting bigger or smaller...
He'll usually eat mealworms out of my hand, but he hasn't in a while. He doesn't seem to really eat that much lately, to be honest.
I can get my hand near him if I ball up my fist and move it near him slowly, and sometimes can touch him, but that's about it. Picking him up just won't happen...
Ok, when I can get a better pic of his eye, I'll post one. I'll have to wait until he's sleeping, since he's not fond of me sticking my hands in his cage. I think I've got a particularly unfriendly one :/
Well I just made him a bigger cage, that's about 20x20x24, using hardware cloth wiring for the sides and top because he was starting to rip his claws out on the screen cage he was in. The lamp usually just sits on the screen at the top, but sometimes he'll climb onto the wire directing...
I just bought 4 9" long pieces of square wood that's 1 3/4" thick each and nailed them together into a pair of two that are now 3 1/2" thick. I'll use them to hold the lamp off the cage. Hopefully that will help.
I'm thinking of getting a couple 2x2 pieces of wood, or something similar, to use to rest the lights on. I've got him outside with no lights, just the natural sun, right now to give him a break.
My cham has had a string of dark blue spots lately. Last week he had a few small ones on his side, but they're gone now. Recently he's had several large patches on him. What could be causing this? Is it just his pigments learning new colors, or bruising somehow, or something else? I've attached...
Hey everyone. I have a veiled, probably about 5 months old or so, about 8-9" total length or so. He's in a 16x16x20 cage. Lately, he's had a habit where he just does laps in the cage, from the top back down to the bottom front, and repeat and repeat and repeat. Every time he does, he knocks his...
Yes, I lost a lot of trust with him on this one. He kinda did it before when I'd only had him about a week, but i was sitting on the couch when he bailed, so he only fell about a foot or so onto the couch. He hit the ground hissing lol. Ever since then he's not liked me trying to hold him, but...
Ok, thanks for the reassuring words. I know some aren't fond of being held. I had one many years ago that didn't mind it, I guess I'm just wanting this one to be the same way. I'll definitely be more careful if I try to hold him in the future. I didn't know they would jump if they're scared...
Hello everyone. I have a male veiled, probably about 4 months old or so. I'm trying to get him used to being held (he tends to have quite an attitude, but is getting better). Today while holding him, he was "walking" from hand to hand (like on one hand, and I'd move the other in front, etc in a...