No, I haven't put up a laying bin yet and yes, I will do that. She did not have temper at all and just started now. Also, I noticed that, she is always laying down on a branch. It may just be my imagination though but at the same time, im not sure. Like, now whenever I check up on her, she seems...
My female veiled chameleon is always left alone til I put crickets and mist her. But for some reason now, she gets mad even though im far away like 2 steps away, just looking at her cage temp. When she sees me or my boyfriend, she gets mad. She even attacks the branch inside. The temp. is always...
Earlier today, I tried taking my cham out so I can clean her habitat and I went a little bit faster than I did before.. When my hand got close to her, she opened her mouth. No hissing and no color changes. Is this normal? She never did this. But this time, I didn't use my gloves. When I do, she...