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  1. Coded

    Bucky the Hulk - Free Range part II

    The first couple of months he would climb down, but normally he would do a few circles around the carpet and head back up. Sometimes he crawls down to poop. He has never climbed down and wandered somewhere else such that I had to look for him... But your mileage may vary.
  2. Coded

    Bucky the Hulk - Free Range part II

    His first free range was more of a throw it together and see how it looks. It had it's pros and cons but I wasnt happy with it overall. He has probably spent the last 6 months in the first setup(IIRC). He seemed to like it, but he would crawl onto my desk or just down to the floor to poop...
  3. Coded

    help im stressed

    If you do indeed have the Zoo Med XL then I think the confusion may be in part by the difference in the measuring system. In the US it measures 24 inches x 24 inches x 48 inches(which is 2 feet x 2 feet x 4 feet, which is what windex was saying; 2x2x4). That also measures to 61 centimeters x...
  4. Coded

    First month with Sambava

    welcome to the sambava club. those are some awesome colors. i can't wait to see what mine looks like when he gets closer to a year(still 3 months away).
  5. Coded

    New Tank Setup

    The betta seems to leave the guppies alone, but he likes to bully the cory sometimes. I may add one or two more corys, so the one feels more comfy, but that will likely be it for fish. Here is a quick video I did of the tank after I added a few more things(light and background). I still want...
  6. Coded

    My Male Sambava from Ataraxia

    Nice looking cham. Is he from the Dec 28th clutch? I have one from Ataraxia's Dec 28th clutch, his name is Bucky and he is about 110g. Took a pic today outside, but it just got done poring rain and is a little cooler right now so he is showing his darker colors. He likes to fire up some of...
  7. Coded

    New Tank Setup

    There are only 10 gallons of water(half full 20 gallon long tank), but they only have about 55% of that to swim around in(45% of the water is in the land section). I have 4 Guppies(1" ea), 1 Corydora(1" will get to 2"), 1 Bamboo Shrimp(2"), and the Betta(2" centerpiece fish). I was a little...
  8. Coded

    New Tank Setup

    It has been a while since I have had any sort of fish thank, but I have had my eye on the Tetra Fauna Viquarium for some time(and a brand new unused 20 gallon long tank sitting in storage). The price finally dropped enough for me to pull the trigger on the viquarium($67 @ Amazon). I started...
  9. Coded


    For home defense, nothing beats a shotgun. rifle = long range defense shotgun = close range defense handgun = last line of defense(short of a knife or hand to hand combat). That being said, there is nothing wrong with wanting a handgun for self defense, but you should consider a shotgun as...
  10. Coded


    If your going to start collecting you better get yourself something from John Moses Browning...... I have a S&W 1911PD and a Browing Hi Power in .45 and .40 respectively. Also have a S&W .22 pistol and .38 revolver. S&W has great customer service which is why I tend to stick with them. I...
  11. Coded

    Getting Poop off Plants

    this is what i do.
  12. Coded

    lighting on/off times

    i do sunrise or a little before to a little after sunrise. i think its set from 7:30 to 9 right now.
  13. Coded

    Yosemite Fires!

    that's crazy. last i heard it was about 35% contained.
  14. Coded

    Lighting on or off

    they need cooler temps and no light(at night)...if you live in a cold place(and your house gets really cold), you could get a ceramic heating element. but do NOT leave the lights on all the time. EDIT: temps in the 60's is perfectly fine; the 50's should be okay as well, but if it gets below...
  15. Coded

    Chameleon Coke Problem

    cocaine is a helluva drug.....
  16. Coded

    Question about humidity!

    really depends on your cham. many use ficus or pothos. i currently use three dracena marginatas(in one planter) for my panther, but he is still younger than a year; the dracena leaves are too long and weak for larger chams to climb on(although they do use the stalks). hibiscus is also a good...
  17. Coded

    Question about humidity!

    Live plants help.
  18. Coded

    How often do CHAMS SHED?

    I was in Cali from July 26 to August 26 so I didn't weigh him the past several weeks(i left him in OK at a friends house), and don't have an exact date on his shed......but he was just under 5 months old when I first weighed him(hatched on Dec 28th). They start to shed less and less as they...
  19. Coded

    Travel cage

    $12-15 pop-up hamper, 2-3 $5 dowel rods of different sizes, some gorilla glue, and some fake vines attached with zip ties. I have also recently bought two shepherds hooks to hang it from which works pretty well.
  20. Coded

    Yosemite Fires!

    I was in Reno this weekend and the visibility horrible, everything was hazy. It was smoke from the fires down south. It was probably better on the lungs to stay inside and breathe the cigarette smoke than all the crap
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