What is everyone opinion for a hanging vine plant. I would love to have 1 or 2 hanging vine plants on each of the back corners of my cage. Pothos are an obvious choice but I haven't found one yet with decent sized vines to even be worth hanging in the cage. Opinions....?
My umbrella tree was loosing a lot of its base until I moved it near a window with natural sunlight. Since then its grown a lot more and filled back out with its branches and leaves. Try to get it near sun if possible or get a strong grow light for the plant
I used some bendable wire I got from Walmart out of the craft section. It's black coated copper. I drilled a small hole to attach it to each piece of bamboo in my cage. Works excellent and you don't have to cut up your cage for zip ties or anything like that
What is the best way to go about hanging a plant in the reptibreeze aluminum screen cage. Looking for the safest for the cage and not ruining it for future if the plant didn't need to be in there anymore.
No problem. I was a mechanic before and usually the simplest things fix a problem. I would do that to all your lines to make sure nothing else is in there if you haven't already. Prevent anything from messing up if it does become clogged while you're not home.
If it was a clog from buildup I wouldn't think it would happen that fast. Something has got to be stuck in one of the tubes or something. Check each tube. Blow air through them. Ight just be a small piece of plastic from manufacturing that got in there.
Will this bulb work for a grow light for my umbrella tree?
Do you have a photo or a link of what 5000k light you use? My umbrella tree loves the light up top but under the canopy is thinning out cause the canopy of my umbrella tree takes up most of the light already. So would like to add some more light to it.
Most pet stores sell a compacted brick of coconut husk or whatever you wanna call it. Just add a gallon of water let it sit for 30 minutes and then use as better. It is great and not harmful for reptiles if they get some ingested while eating. I think it cost me like 6 bucks for that he block...
Yea. I just moved my cage to a window opening for that reason as well. Cham seems to like it a lot more and moves around more while next to the window. And I'm sure my umbrella tree enjoys the natural sunlight as well even though its coming through my window.
Looks good. Pretty much like my enclosure. Is light ale to get down far enough with the limbs being all the way at the top of the cage? I had a problem with light penetrating the canopy but you might be different.
Finally got my first Cham after looking for about 2 months. The only problem is I don't know if it's a boy or girl. If someone could help that would be awesome! I think I've attached a pic. But I'm new to all of this! :) thanks guys!
I'm looking into getting my first and I'm not a huge fan of bug either but look up Lee's Kricket Keeper. My friend had a bearded dragon and had me watch him. That's how I fed them and became wayyyyyy more comfortable. Hope it helps!