So I have a couple question for the free range People out there!
How do you do it? tricks? Ideas?
-i have a 3ish old panther chameleon named Neil. He is free ranged somewhat confined to his own room by doors.
-He gets plenty of water from a dripper that goes all day every day. With a...
So I have a panther chameleon who has his own room. He seems to enjoy life, loves being scratched when shedding and sitting on shoulder when vacuuming house. He has a cage with a basking temp at 97F and a mister that goes on for 5 min every hour. Through out the room he has one other basking...
Neal from last shed about a week now... he has a piece that’s seems to still be stuck/blocking nostril. He doesn’t seem to be irritated by it. Shoul I try to scrap out? Should I be worried? Will it fall out by self?
Hello y’all,
I’m looking for a little help, advice on my free ranged set up/ technique.
1) I have a panther chameleon roughly a year old
2) he is very mobile and is a dare devil.
3) eats crickets about 15-20 a day still, cup feeding. (HATES blue horned worms) wonts even try to eat one!
Thank you I must of mis understood when I read about the calcium! Will update today! Im not that far in the chameleon Breeder podcast yet! Thank you all for quick response!
My chameleon every time I let him out in our free range plants. He goes down to the dirt and eats something. I have only seen him do this once in his cage. What do you recommend I do to fix the problem?
So I live in Minnesota and it’s finnaly getting nice outside and Neal the Cham is starting to notice. His cage faces the outside balcony.. witch is covered in plants that he loves to climb in. I have come home the last two days and when I open neals cage door he bolts out of it and straight for...
In the last week I have noticed my Cham shooting at things near bottom of cage. So as a worried dad I scrubbed and cleaned the cage to clear all debri. I put him back in cage and a little while later he was near the bottom again biting a rock( pictured) kind of aggressively... not sure why thoughts?
He seems happier with the water being on plants and not waterfall. But today seems really dull in color. He is eating about 10-15 crickets a day. Won’t touch the blue horned worm. Maybe just freaked out a little bit still that I changed his whole cage around. For feeding I put crickets in cup...
I have added a vine plant in place of the dragon, I took out the waterfall feature well Just for fun now Added a misting system. What do you all keep your crickets in?