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  1. Randy30

    Bloated stomach and neck area?

    Hi Hi I was wondering if he is still swelling up? I have a tamatave that does that if I feed him a lot of protein I have to separate his feeders and feed them a lot of fruit and no protein and hornworms will help and lots of water! I hope this helps
  2. Randy30

    Has anyone done business with Tiki Tiki Reptiles??

    Ok thank you i never meant to be negative or anything I was just wondering if they had a good reputation.
  3. Randy30

    Has anyone done business with Tiki Tiki Reptiles??

    O ok thanks for your help I'll try and get ahold of one of them! Where do you find that in the classifies I've been looking I can't find it!!
  4. Randy30

    Has anyone done business with Tiki Tiki Reptiles??

    Has anyone had a bad experience with them???
  5. Randy30

    Measurements conversion help

    Thanks all that helps :)
  6. Randy30

    Measurements conversion help

    Does anyone know how to convert cc's into units??
  7. image


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  9. Bubble gum

    Bubble gum

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  11. Fire ball

    Fire ball

  12. Randy30

    My new cage

    Ya I'll have to get it tho!
  13. Randy30

    My new cage

    And he can build whatever you want also so he work with everyone's budget
  14. Randy30

    My new cage

    You will have to call David and get a estaminet he is a friend of the family so I got a deal on mine!
  15. Randy30

    My new cage

    Yep there just dowels I cut them to the length I need and I get new ones every month or two just to keep my cages a little cleaner!
  16. Randy30

    My new cage

    Thanks! I found it at Home Depot
  17. Randy30

    Official Enclosure Picture Thread #2 - post your pics!

    My new cages These are my new cages!!
  18. image


  19. image


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