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  1. C


    Repticon is coming close to me next month. I have never been as my reptile obsession is newly found. ;-) I am really excited but was wondering how many of you had been and what the prices are like. Why can I expect? Right now I have a baby beardie and a Jackson's chameleon and I am in love...
  2. C

    Exo-Terra's cheap at petco

    Not the first Apparently this kind of thing has happened before: What is the deal?
  3. C


    Just crickets. Same as he has been eating.
  4. C


    Pascals poop looked really light brown compared to the pics I have seen, and kind of mucusy or watery. Is this ok? He finally ate, and it did have the white part, so he isn't dehydrated.
  5. C

    Outside trip for Pascal

    Is it possible for that my new year old chameleon really likes being outside? He was seeming kind of puny today, so I took him outside and let him climb a small tree. He climbed for a while, was brilliant green the whole time, and I took him in when he opened his mouth because I assumed he was...
  6. C

    A little advice, please!

    I washed the plant extremely well and even replanted it. I think the name is draceana...I got it off the safe plants list. I will give him some time...thanks y'all.
  7. C

    A little advice, please!

    Would you advise putting the live plant back in. It's pretty large and we are afraid it takes up too much room.
  8. C

    A little advice, please!

    The large ones from petsmart now; the first day we did small but he is pretty big.
  9. C

    A little advice, please!

    I bought a Jackson's Chameleon on Sunday. He is awesome! Sal is about a year old and his previous owners were Very nice. They sold us his whole set up! They said they handle him frequently and he doesn't seem to mind being handled at all. The first day we had him, he was quite active and...
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