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  1. J

    Arched spine and muscle weakness

    where did you get this information about calcium to phosphorus ratio and what is and is not fat soluble? I haven't found a resource that even remotely touched on this but i would love to learn about it. i feel if i knew how this was happening i might know best how to care for her from here...
  2. J

    Arched spine and muscle weakness

    yea the vet said to fully cover everything i feed her till the dysplasia subsides, but ill take your word for it after that happens
  3. J

    Arched spine and muscle weakness

    thats nearly the same regiment I've used the whole time! I haven't used calcium with d3, but weekly or biweekly doses depending on whether the feeders have been fed turnip or dandelion greens or not. Ive been hoping to not over do it and because of that I've caused her a serious illness. I...
  4. J

    Arched spine and muscle weakness

    You sure can be a pretty smug, snark little *****, man. Sandra's blog included nothing about calcium coating her feeders. I couldn't find or come up with a better lighting setup in the lighting thread than a 4 lamp t5ho with two uvb bulbsls, and two in both spectrums of visible. I've researched...
  5. J

    Arched spine and muscle weakness

    Would mbd really change the shape of her spine in less than a week? I would have gotten to the vet Monday but I thought she was just basking in weird positions. Thanks for the advice though, please cross your fingers for her... Vet apt is at 3. I feel absolutely wretched on a side note, I'm...
  6. J

    Arched spine and muscle weakness

    Here area couple photos
  7. J

    Arched spine and muscle weakness

    I suspect this is a result of under calcium supplementation. Though the rate at which her spine has inflamed and the sudden decrease in activity/shaky movement, and falling, makes me wonder if something else might be going on. I am about to take her to a herp but if this is classic MBD then...
  8. J

    Safe or Unsafe?!

    I use moss to cover the soil of plants I did not grow myself. The little pieces of perlite are much more dangerous to injest than moss. But for the floor you'll want to keep it bare. For the sake of cleaning I mean. Substrate in general is a big no no. Get some frogs if you want a really trippy...
  9. J

    Fluker's high-calcium cricket food ????

    Honestly, the calcium content of kale is plenty and most only recommend using it occasionally. If you can keep them on a fresh gut load then by all means do so. Dry gut loads are needed for getting in the necessary grains and fiber that most miss with fresh loads. I bought flukers high...
  10. J

    Save her from the pet store!

    egg bins can be as simple as a sandwich size tupperware, 3/4 full of damp and thoroughly washed play sand.
  11. J

    gutloading feeders with chicken

    Is this a bad idea? insects in the wild would feed on dead animals often. Probably not a cooked chicken exactly but some sort of creatures flesh. I was thinking bbq chicken but rotisserie chicken might be better suited, or should it be left raw? has anyone done this?
  12. J

    Red Night time bulb

    does the moon just not exist in the jungle or what? I don't understand why people recommend complete darkness... Don't get your heat from a light bulb unless its a basking light for after they eat. If you bought it, use it for something else. Heat bulbs are more for bearded dragons instead of...
  13. J

    hasn't eaten in 4 days

    CRAP! I almost forgot! gut load your crickets with as much fruit and variety of veggies and goodness that you can. Make sure the crickets have to eat it for no less than 3 hours. Bug Burger or any of those really upper scale cricket foods are usually super high in fat, which if it is an...
  14. J

    hasn't eaten in 4 days

    I have a baby veiled, and that little bastard will go and eat anything he can find on the bottom of his cage when I don't give him the cricket tank on time. He's eaten sticks, pieces of rocks and dirt, dead crickets, dead leaves, the crickets food, the egg cartons to keep the cricks central...
  15. J

    hasn't eaten in 4 days

    Yea thats a golden pothos, idk its worth a shot man. Most people never have a problem with this but sometimes it happens. Do you have any other plants you could put in there with him?
  16. J

    hasn't eaten in 4 days

    He has been eating dirt, as in soil? with small white pieces of vermiculite or perlite yes? If this is the case then he could have an impaction As for the pothos does yours have light yellow almost gold or literally gold colored streaks spots and patches? If you bought it from a local store...
  17. J

    Cyperus Alternifolius "Umbrella Plant"

    ill let you be the best judge of whether or not its safe. The big giant leafed umbrella plant i just posted is rated highly toxic, for containing a mild concentration of calcium oxalates. Which have a variety of effects, numbness of the mouth, drooling, upset stomach ect.. If you want to use it...
  18. J

    Cyperus Alternifolius "Umbrella Plant"

    This plant is dying, very slowly, perhaps a few months without help... but that is what it is genetically designed to do. This is the Schefflerra Amate, or "dwarf umbrella tree." However, in example number two you will see a plant much like your own, the Schefflerra oboricola, that is also...
  19. J

    Cyperus Alternifolius "Umbrella Plant"

    a more common name for your plant, or most related common species at least, and its care sheet is here You should be good man, everything i found said not toxic accept one guy and his cat, but he had no idea what he was talking about...
  20. J

    Cyperus Alternifolius "Umbrella Plant"

    that is one sad and slowly dying umbrella plant :( give it a worm poo smoothie!!!!!
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